Teistele lehtedele viitamine

Arvutustabeli lahtris saab nÀidata viidet teisel lehel asuvale lahtrile.

Samamoodi saab viidata ka teises dokumendis asuvale lahtrile, viidatav dokument peab olema failina salvestatud.

Viitamine teises dokumendis asuvale lahtrile

  1. Open a new, empty spreadsheet. By default, it has only a single sheet named Sheet1. Add a second sheet clicking on + button to the left of the sheet tab in the bottom (it will be named Sheet2 by default).

  2. Sisesta lahtrisse A1 lehel Leht1 valem:


  3. KlÔpsa arvutustabeli all sakil Leht2. Vii kursor sellel lehel lahtrisse A1 ja sisesta tekst vÔi arv.

  4. Kui valid uuesti saki Leht1, nÀed seal lahtris A1 sama sisu. Kui lahtri Leht2.A1 sisu muutub, siis muutub ka lahtri Leht1.A1 sisu.


When referencing a sheet with name containing spaces, use single quotes around the name: ='Sheet with spaces in name'.A1


The example uses Calc formula syntax. It is also possible to use Excel A1 or R1C1 formula syntax; this is configured on Formula options page.

Viitamine teises dokumendis asuvale lahtrile

  1. Olemasoleva arvutustabeli avamiseks vali Fail - Ava.

  2. Uue arvutustabeli avamiseks vali Fail - Uus. Vii kursor lahtrisse, kuhu soovid vÀlised andmed lisada, ja sisesta siis vÔrdusmÀrk, et nÀidata kavatsust alustada valemit.

  3. NĂŒĂŒd mine dokumendile, mille just avasid. KlĂ”psa lahtril, mille andmeid soovid lisada uude dokumenti.

  4. Mine tagasi uuele arvutustabelile. Sisestusreal nÀed, kuidas LibreOffice Calc lisas viite valemisse.

    The reference to a cell of another document contains the fully qualified name of the other document between single quotes ('), then a hash #, then the name of the sheet of the other document, followed by a period and the name or reference of the cell.

    For example, .


    The path and document name URI must always be enclosed in single quotes. If the name contains single quotes (') they must be escaped using two single quotes (''). Only a sheet name may not be quoted if it does not contain a space or a character that would be an operator or the name would be pure numeric (for example, '123' must be quoted).

  5. Kinnita valem klÔpsuga rohelisel linnukesel.

  6. If you drag the box in the lower right corner of the active cell to select a range of cells, LibreOffice automatically inserts the corresponding references in the adjacent cells. As a result, the sheet name is preceded with a "$" sign to designate it as an absolute reference.

Teise dokumendi nime lÀhemal uurimisel valemis nÀed, et see on kirjutatud URL-ina. See tÀhendab, et sa vÔid kasutada ka Interneti URL-e.

Palun toeta meid!