Menüü Tööriistad

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs

From toolbars:

Icon Detective


From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Näita eelsõltuvusi

From the context menu:

With Fill Mode active, choose Trace Precedents.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Trace Precedents.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Trace Precedents.

From toolbars:

Icon Trace Precedents

Trace Precedents

From the keyboard:


Vali Tööriistad - Keel - Poolitamine

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Peida eelsõltuvused

From the context menu:

With Fill Mode active, choose Remove Precedents.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Remove Precedents.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Remove Precedents.

From toolbars:

Icon Remove Precedents

Remove Precedents

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Näita järelsõltuvusi

From the context menu:

With Fill Mode active, choose Trace Dependents.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Trace Dependents.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Trace Dependents.

From toolbars:

Icon Trace Dependents

Trace Dependents

From the keyboard:


From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Peida järelsõltuvused

From the context menu:

With Fill Mode active, choose Remove Dependents.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Remove Dependents.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Remove Dependents.

From toolbars:

Icon Remove Dependents

Remove Dependents

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Peida kõik sõltuvused

From the context menu:

With Fill Mode active, choose Remove All Traces.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Remove All Traces.

From toolbars:

Icon Remove All Traces

Remove All Traces

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Näita viga

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Trace Error.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Trace Error.

From toolbars:

Icon Trace Error

Trace Error

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Täitmisrežiim

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Fill Mode.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Fill Mode.

From toolbars:

Icon Fill Mode

Fill Mode

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Märgista vigased andmed

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Mark Invalid Data.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Mark Invalid Data.

From toolbars:

Icon Mark Invalid Data

Mark Invalid Data

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Värskenda sõltuvuste kuva

From the tabbed interface:

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Refresh Traces.

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Analüüs - Automaatuuendus

From the tabbed interface:

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose AutoRefresh.

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Sihiotsing

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Goal Seek.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Goal Seek.

From toolbars:

Icon Goal Seek

Goal Seek

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Solver.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools - Solver.

On the Tools menu of the Tools tab, choose Solver.

From toolbars:

Icon Solver


Vali Tööriistad - Lahendaja - nupp Sätted

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Stsenaariumid

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Forms.

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Share Spreadsheet

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Share Spreadsheet.

From toolbars:

Icon Share Spreadsheet

Share Spreadsheet

Vali Tööriistad - Kaitse lehte

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Kaitse arvutustabeli struktuuri

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Protect Spreadsheet Structure.

From toolbars:

Icon Protect Spreadsheet Structure

Protect Spreadsheet Structure

Vali - LibreOffice Calc - Valemid

From the menu bar:

Vali Tööriistad - Automaatsisestamine

Palun toeta meid!