FV funktsioon [VBA]

Returns the future value of an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate (Future Value).


This constant, function or object is enabled with the statement Option VBASupport 1 placed before the executable program code in a module.


FV(Rate as Double, NPer as Double, Pmt as Double, [PV as Variant], [Due as Variant])




Rate is the periodic interest rate.

NPer on perioodide koguarv, mille jooksul makseid sooritatakse (makseperiood).

Pmt on perioodi kohta regulaarselt makstav annuiteet.

PV (optional) is the (present) cash value of an investment.

Due (optional) defines whether the payment is due at the beginning or the end of a period.

0 - the payment is due at the end of the period;

1 - the payment is due at the beginning of the period.


5 Vigane protseduuri vÀljakutse


Sub ExampleFV
 Dim myFV As Double
 myFV = =FV(0.04, 2, 750, 2500)
 Print myFV ' returns 4234.00 currency units. The value at the end of the investment is 4234.00 currency units.
End Sub

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