LibreOffice 25.2 abi
Returns the specified portion of a string expression (Mid function), or replaces the portion of a string expression with another string (Mid subroutine).
Mid(string As String, Start As Long [, Length As Long]) As String
Mid([ByRef] string As String, Start As Long, [Length As Long], Text As String)
String (ainult funktsiooni jÀrgi)
string: Any string expression that you want to extract (Mid function). Any text variable name that you want to modify (Mid subroutine).
Start: Numeric expression that indicates the character position within the string where the string portion that you want to replace or to return begins. The minimum allowed value is 1. The maximum allowed value is 2,147,483,648.
Length: Numeric expression that returns the number of characters that you want to replace or return. The maximum allowed value is 2,147,483,648.
Kui Mid funktsiooni parameeter Length on vahele jÀetud, siis tagastatakse stringavaldise kÔik mÀrgid alates alguspositsioonist kuni lÔpuni.
If the Length parameter in the Mid subroutine is less than the length of the text that you want to replace, the text is reduced to the specified length.
Text: The string to replace the string expression (Mid subroutine).
Sub ExampleMid_Function_and_Statement
text = "This is the original Text"
MsgBox Mid(text, 13, 8) ' returns the word "original"
MsgBox text ' text is not modified
Mid(text, 13, 8, "new")
MsgBox text ' returns "This is the new Text"
MsgBox Mid(start:=10, string:="The quick brown fox ..") ' shows " brown fox .."
Mid text, 9, 12, "a new Phrase"
MsgBox text ' returns "This is a new Phrase"
End Sub