LibreOffice 25.2 abi
Outputs the specified strings or numeric expressions to the screen or to a sequential file.
Print [#filenum,] expression1[{;|,} [Spc(number As Integer);] [Tab(pos As Integer);] [expression2[...]]
filenum: Any numeric expression that contains the file number that was set by the Open statement for the respective file.
expression: Any numeric or string expression to be printed. Multiple expressions can be separated by a semicolon. If separated by a comma, the expressions are indented to the next tab stop. The tab stops cannot be adjusted.
number: Number of spaces to be inserted by the Spc function.
pos: Spaces are inserted until the specified position.
Kui viimase prinditava avaldise jÀrel on semikoolon vÔi koma, siis salvestab LibreOffice Basic teksti sisemisse puhvrisse ja jÀtkab programmi kÀitamist ilma printimiseta. Kui leitakse jÀrgmine ilma semikooloni vÔi komata lause Print, siis prinditakse kohe kogu tekst.
Positiivsed arvavaldised prinditakse eestĂŒhikuga. Negatiivsed avaldised prinditakse avaldise ees oleva miinusmĂ€rgiga. Kui ujukomavÀÀrtuste mÀÀratud vahemik on ĂŒletatud, prinditakse vastava arvavaldis eksponenttĂ€histusega.
Kui prinditav avaldis ĂŒletab kindlaksmÀÀratud pikkuse, kuvatakse pikkuse ĂŒletav osa automaatselt jĂ€rgmisel real.
You can insert the Tab function, enclosed by semicolons, between arguments to indent the output to a specific position, or you can use the Spc function to insert a specified number of spaces.