
Opens a submenu to insert rows and columns.

Para acceder a esta orden…

Desde la barra de menús:

Vaya a Tabla ▸ Insertar.

Desde el menú contextual:

Vaya a Insertar.

Desde la interfaz en pestañas:

Vaya a Tabla.

Desde las barras de herramientas:

Icono Insertar


Desde la barra lateral:

On the Properties panel, choose Table.

Filas encima

Inserts one or more rows in the table, above the selection. The number of rows inserted corresponds to the number of rows selected. The rows takes the same height as the originally selected rows.

Filas debajo

Inserts one or more rows in the table, below the selection. The number of rows inserted corresponds to the number of rows selected. The rows takes the same height as the originally selected rows.


Abre un cuadro de diálogo para insertar filas.

Columnas antes

Insert a column before the column where the cursor is currently placed. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right

Columnas después

Inserts a column after the column where the cursor is currently placed. The number of columns inserted corresponds to the number of columns selected. If no column is selected, one column is inserted. The existing columns are moved to the right


Abre un cuadro de diálogo para insertar columnas.

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