File Conversion Filter Names

Tables with filter names for command line document conversion.


Filter names are used when importing and exporting files in alien formats and converting files formats through the command line.

soffice --convert-to OutputFileExtension[:OutputFilterName[:OutputFilterParams[,param]]] [--outdir output_dir]

If --convert-to is used more than once, last value of OutputFileExtension[:OutputFilterName[:OutputFilterParams]] is effective. If --outdir is used more than once, only its last value is effective. In absence of --outdir, current working directory is used for the result. For example:

--convert-to pdf *.doc

--convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export --outdir /home/user *.doc

--convert-to "html:XHTML Writer File:UTF8" *.doc

--convert-to "txt:Text (encoded):UTF8" *.doc

soffice --infilter="InputFilterName[:InputFilterParams[,param]]"

--infilter="Text (encoded):UTF8,LF,Liberation Mono,en-US".

Filtros para Writer

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

Documento HTML (Writer)

"HTML (StarWriter)"

text/html (html xhtml htm)

Microsoft WinWord 1/2/5

"MS WinWord 5"

application/msword (doc)

Microsoft Word 6.0

"MS WinWord 6.0"

application/msword (doc)

Microsoft Word 95

"MS Word 95"

application/msword (doc)

Microsoft Word 95 Template

"MS Word 95 Vorlage"

application/msword (dot)

Word 97-2003

"MS Word 97"

application/msword (doc wps)

Plantilla de Word 97-2003

"MS Word 97 Vorlage"

application/msword (dot wpt)

Documento de texto ODF en XML plano

"OpenDocument Text Flat XML"

application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-flat-xml (fodt odt xml)

Texto enriquecido

"Rich Text Format"

application/rtf (rtf)

Documento de texto de 1.0

"StarOffice XML (Writer)"

application/vnd.sun.xml.writer (sxw)

Documento de WordPerfect


application/vnd.wordperfect (wpd)

Documento de Microsoft Works


application/ (wps)

Microsoft Write


application/x-mswrite (wri)

Microsoft Word para DOS


None (doc)

Documento de texto de ClarisWorks/AppleWorks


application/clarisworks (cwk)

Microsoft Word for Mac (v1 - v5)


application/msword (doc)

Microsoft Works for Mac Text Document (v1 - v4)


application/ (wps)

Documento de MacWrite


application/macwriteii (mw mcw)

Mariner Write Mac Classic v1.6 - v3.5



Documento de WriteNow


(wn nx^d)

Documento de AbiWord


application/x-abiword (abw zabw)

Documento de T602


application/x-t602 (602)

Documento de Lotus WordPro


application/vnd.lotus-wordpro (lwp)



text/plain (csv tsv tab txt)

Text - Choose Encoding

"Text (encoded)"

text/plain (csv tsv tab txt)

Hangul WP 97


application/x-hwp (hwp)

Plantilla de documento de texto de 1.0


application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template (stw)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

Documento de texto ODF


application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text (odt)

Plantilla de documento de texto ODF


application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template (ott)

Word 2007

"MS Word 2007 XML"

application/msword (docx)

Plantilla de Word 2007

"MS Word 2007 XML Template"

application/msword (dotx dotm)

VBA de Word 2007

"MS Word 2007 XML VBA"

application/msword (docm)

Documento de Word 2010-365

"Office Open XML Text"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document (docx docm)

Plantilla de Word 2010-365

"Office Open XML Text Template"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template (dotx dotm)

XML de disposición de Writer


None (xml)

XML de exportación de indización de Writer


None (xml)

Libro electrónico de BroadBand

"BroadBand eBook"

application/x-sony-bbeb (lrf)

FictionBook 2.0

"FictionBook 2"

application/x-fictionbook+xml (fb2 zip)

Libro electrónico de PalmDoc


application/x-aportisdoc (pdb)

Libro electrónico de Plucker

"Plucker eBook"

application/prs.plucker (pdb)

Apple Pages

"Apple Pages"

application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages (pages)

Documento de texto heredado de Mac


None (*)

Documento de texto de Palm


application/vnd.palm (pdb)

Documento de texto heredado de StarOffice


None (sdw)

Documento EPUB


application/epub+zip (epub)

Pocket Word

"PocketWord File"

application/x-pocket-word (psw)

Filtros para Calc

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

Formato de intercambio de datos


None (dif)

Documento HTML (Calc)

"HTML (StarCalc)"

text/html (html xhtml htm)

Hoja de cálculo ODF en XML plano

"OpenDocument Spreadsheet Flat XML"

application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-flat-xml (fods ods xml)

Lotus 1-2-3


application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 (wk1 wks 123)

Quattro Pro 6.0

"Quattro Pro 6.0"

None (wb2)

Microsoft Excel 4.0

"MS Excel 4.0"

application/ (xls xlw xlc xlm)

Microsoft Excel 4.0 Template

"MS Excel 4.0 Vorlage/Template"

application/ (xlt)

Microsoft Excel 5.0

"MS Excel 5.0/95"

application/ (xls xlc xlm xlw)

Microsoft Excel 5.0 Template

"MS Excel 5.0/95 Vorlage/Template"

application/ (xlt)

Microsoft Excel 95

"MS Excel 95"

application/ (xls xlc xlm xlw)

Microsoft Excel 95 Template

"MS Excel 95 Vorlage/Template"

application/ (xlt)

Excel 97-2003

"MS Excel 97"

application/ (xls xlc xlm xlw xlk et)

Plantilla de Excel 97-2003

"MS Excel 97 Vorlage/Template"

application/ (xlt ett)

Formato de texto enriquecido (Calc)

"Rich Text Format (StarCalc)"

application/rtf (rtf)



text/spreadsheet (slk sylk)

Hoja de cálculo de 1.0

"StarOffice XML (Calc)"

application/vnd.sun.xml.calc (sxc)

Texto CSV

"Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"

text/plain (csv tsv tab txt)

Consulta de página web (Calc)


text/html (html xhtml htm)

Plantilla de hoja de cálculo de 1.0


application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template (stc)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

Apache Parquet Spreadsheet

"Apache Parquet Spreadsheet"

None (parquet)



None (dbf)

Hoja de cálculo ODF


application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet (ods)

Plantilla de hoja de cálculo ODF


application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template (ots)

Hoja de cálculo de Gnumeric

"Gnumeric Spreadsheet"

application/x-gnumeric (gnumeric gnm)

Excel 2007-365

"Calc MS Excel 2007 XML"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (xlsx)

Excel 2007-365 (habilitada para macros)

"Calc MS Excel 2007 VBA XML"

application/ (xlsm)

Plantilla de Excel 2007-365

"Calc MS Excel 2007 XML Template"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template (xltx xltm)

Microsoft Excel 2007 Binary

"Calc MS Excel 2007 Binary"

None (xlsb)

Office Open XML Spreadsheet

"Calc Office Open XML"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (xlsx xlsm)

Office Open XML Spreadsheet Template

"Calc Office Open XML Template"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template (xltx xltm)

Documento de Microsoft Works


None (wks wdb)

Documento de Lotus


None (wk1 wk3 wk4 123)

Documento de QuattroPro


None (wb1 wb2 wq1 wq2)

Hoja de cálculo de ClarisWorks/AppleWorks


application/clarisworks (cwk)

Documento de ClarisResolve


application/clarisworks (cwk)

Microsoft Works for Mac Spreadsheet (v1 - v4)


application/ (wps)

Apple Numbers

"Apple Numbers"

application/x-iwork-numbers-sffnumbers (numbers)

Base de datos heredada de Mac


None (*)

Hoja de cálculo heredada de Mac


None (*)

Hoja de cálculo heredada de StarOffice


None (sdc)

Microsoft Multiplan

"Microsoft Multiplan"

None (mp)

Filtros para Impress

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

Apple Keynote

"Apple Keynote"

application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey (key)

PowerPoint 97-2003

"MS PowerPoint 97"

application/ (ppt dps)

Presentación automática de PowerPoint 97-2003

"MS PowerPoint 97 AutoPlay"

application/ (pps)

Plantilla de PowerPoint 97-2003

"MS PowerPoint 97 Vorlage"

application/ (pot dpt)

Dibujo de 1.0 (Impress)


application/vnd.sun.xml.draw (sxd)

Presentación ODF en XML plano

"OpenDocument Presentation Flat XML"

application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-flat-xml (fodp odp xml)

Presentación de 1.0

"StarOffice XML (Impress)"

application/vnd.sun.xml.impress (sxi)

Plantilla de presentación de 1.0


application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template (sti)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

Presentación ODF


application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation (odp)

Plantilla de presentación ODF


application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template (otp)

Dibujo ODF (Impress)


application/ (odg)

PowerPoint 2007-365

"Impress MS PowerPoint 2007 XML"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation (pptx)

Presentación automática de PowerPoint 2007-365

"Impress MS PowerPoint 2007 XML AutoPlay"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow (ppsx)

Plantilla de PowerPoint 2007-365

"Impress MS PowerPoint 2007 XML Template"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template (potx potm)

VBA de PowerPoint 2007-365

"Impress MS PowerPoint 2007 XML VBA"

application/ (pptm)

Presentación Office Open XML

"Impress Office Open XML"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation (pptx pptm)

Plantilla de presentación Office Open XML

"Impress Office Open XML Template"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template (potx potm)

Presentación automática Office Open XML

"Impress Office Open XML AutoPlay"

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow (ppsx)

Presentación de ClarisWorks/AppleWorks


application/clarisworks (cwk)

Presentación heredada de StarOffice


None (sdd)

Presentación heredada de Mac


None (*)

Microsoft PowerPoint 1-4 and 95's

"PowerPoint 3"

None (ppt pot)

Filtros para Draw

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

Dibujo ODF en XML plano

"OpenDocument Drawing Flat XML"

application/ (fodg odg xml)

Dibujo de 1.0

"StarOffice XML (Draw)"

application/vnd.sun.xml.draw (sxd)

Plantilla de dibujo de 1.0


application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template (std)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

Dibujo ODF


application/ (odg)

Plantilla de dibujo ODF


application/ (otg)

WordPerfect Graphics

"WordPerfect Graphics"

image/x-wpg (wpg)

Microsoft Visio 2000-2013

"Visio Document"

application/vnd.visio (vdx vsd vsdm vsdx)

Microsoft Publisher 98-2010

"Publisher Document"

application/x-mspublisher (pub)


"Corel Draw Document"

application/vnd.corel-draw (cdr)

Corel Presentation Exchange

"Corel Presentation Exchange"

image/x-cmx (cmx)

Adobe/Macromedia Freehand

"Freehand Document"

image/x-freehand (fh fh1 fh2 fh3 fh4 fh5 fh6 fh7 fh8 fh9 fh10 fh11)

Dibujo de ClarisWorks/AppleWorks


application/clarisworks (cwk)

Adobe PageMaker

"PageMaker Document"

application/x-pagemaker (p65 pm pm6 pmd)


"QXP Document"

None (qxd qxt)

Zoner Callisto/Draw

"ZMF Document"

None (zmf)

Mapa de bits heredado de Mac


None (*)

Dibujo heredado de Mac


None (*)

Dibujo heredado de StarOffice


None (sda)

Filtros para Math

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

MathML 2.0

"MathML XML (Math)"

application/mathml+xml (mml)


"MathType 3.x"

None (xxx)

Fórmula de 1.0

"StarOffice XML (Math)"

application/vnd.sun.xml.math (sxm)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

Fórmula ODF


application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula (odf)

Filtros para Base

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

Base de datos ODF

"StarOffice XML (Base)"

application/vnd.sun.xml.base (odb)

Filtros para GraphicFilter

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group


image/jpeg (jpg jpeg jfif jif jpe)

PNG - Imagen de red portátil


image/png (png apng)

SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics


image/svg+xml (svg)

WEBP - WebP Image


image/webp (webp)

Filters for PDFIMPORT

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

PDF - Portable Document Format (Draw)


application/pdf (pdf)

PDF - Portable Document Format (Impress)


application/pdf (pdf)

PDF - Portable Document Format (Writer)


application/pdf (pdf)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

PDF - Portable Document Format


application/pdf (pdf)

Filters for XSLTFILTER

Displayed Filter Name

API Name (OutputFilterName / InputFilterName)

Media Type (OutputFileExtension)

XML de conjunto de filas ADO

"ADO Rowset XML"

None (xml)


"DocBook File"

application/docbook+xml (xml)

XML de Microsoft Excel 2003

"MS Excel 2003 XML"

None (xml xls)

XML de Word 2003

"MS Word 2003 XML"

None (xml doc)


"XHTML Calc File"

application/xhtml+xml (html xhtml)


"XHTML Draw File"

application/xhtml+xml (html xhtml)


"XHTML Impress File"

application/xhtml+xml (html xhtml)


"XHTML Writer File"

application/xhtml+xml (html xhtml)

Unified Office Format text

"UOF text"

None (uot;uof)

Unified Office Format spreadsheet

"UOF spreadsheet"

None (uos;uof)

Unified Office Format presentation

"UOF presentation"

None (uop;uof)

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