Ayuda de LibreOffice 25.2
Assigns a text and an alt text to the selected object. These texts are available as alternative tags in your document for use by accessibility tools. They are also available as tags for images when you export the document.
Introduzca una descripción corta de los detalles esenciales del objeto seleccionado para las personas que no lo puedan ver. El texto queda disponible para su uso por tecnologías asistenciales.
Enter a longer description of the object, especially if the object is too complex or contains too much detail to be described adequately with the short Use . to add additional information to the short description found in . This text is available for use by assistive technologies.
Marca el elemento como puramente decorativo, que no forma parte del contenido del documento y que, por tanto, pueden ignorarlo las tecnologías asistenciales.