Select...Case Statement

Define uno o más bloques de instrucciones, dependiendo del valor de una expresión.


Select Case syntax

  Select Case expression
     Case values
       Statement Block
  [  Case values2
       Statement Block]
  [  Case Else
       Statement Block]
  End Select


expression: Any expression that controls if the statement block that follows the respective Case clause is executed.

values: Any value list that is compatible with the expression. The statement block that follows the Case clause is executed if expression matches values.


Sub ExampleRandomSelect
Dim iVar As Integer
    iVar = Int((15 * Rnd) -2)
    Select Case iVar
        Case 1 To 5
            Print "Número de 1 a 5"
        Case 6, 7, 8
            Print "Número de 6 a 8"
        Case 8 To 10
            Print "Mayor que 8"
        Case Else
            Print "Fuera del intervalo del 1 al 10"
    End Select
End Sub

If statement

Iif or Switch functions

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