breto Agordaro

Por vidigi je la bretonOgordaro, elektu menuerojn Vido - Ilobretoj - Agordaro.

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Choose View - Toolbars - Options.

Rotation Mode after Clicking Object

Changes the mouse-click behavior, so that rotation handles appear after you click an object, and then click it again. Drag a handle to rotate the object in the direction you want.


Rotacia reĝimo post alklako de objekto

Display Grid

Enables or disables the grid.

Icon Display Grid

Display Grid

Vidigi kaptliniojn

Shows or hides snap lines so can you align objects on your slide. To remove a snap line, drag it off the slide.


Vidigi Kaptliniojn

Gvidlinioj dum movado

Specifies whether to display guides when moving an object.

Icon Helplines While Moving

Helplines While Moving

Kapti per krado

Specifies whether to move frames, drawing elements, and controls only between grid points. To change the status of the snap grip only for the current action, drag an object while holding down the .

Icon Snap to Grid

Snap to Grid

Kapti per gvidlinioj

Snaps the edge of a dragged object to the nearest snap guide when you release the mouse.


Snap to Snap Guides

Kapti per paĝaj marĝenoj

Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the nearest page margin.

Icon Snap to Page Margins

Kapti per Paĝomarĝenoj

Kapti per objekta bordero

Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the border of the nearest graphic object.

Icon Snap to Object Border

Kapti per Objekta Bordero

Kapti per objektaj punktoj

Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the points of the nearest graphic object.

Icon Snap to Object Points

Kapti per Objektaj Punktoj

Permesi rapidan redaktadon

If on, you can edit text immediately after clicking a text object. If off, you must double-click to edit text.

Icon Allow Quick Editing

Permesi Rapidan Redaktadon

Elekti nur tekstan areon

Specifies whether to select a text box by clicking the text.

Icon Select Text Area Only

Elekti Nur Tekstan Areon

Double-Click to add Text

Changes the mouse-click behavior, so that you can double-click an object to add or edit text.


Double-click to add Text

Modify Object with Attributes

If this icon on the Options bar is activated, objects are shown with their attributes, but with 50% transparency, while you move or draw them. If this icon is not activated, only a contour is shown while drawing, and the object is shown with all attributes when you release the mouse button.


Modify Object with Attributes

Exit all Groups

Exits all groups and returns to normal view.

Icon Exit all groups

Eliri ĉiujn grupojn

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