Helpo de LibreOffice 24.8
Specifies the options for automatically generated values for new data records.
The availability of the following controls depends on the type of database:
Enables LibreOffice support for auto-incremented data fields in the current ODBC or JDBC data source. Select this option if the auto-increment feature in the SDBCX layer of the database is not supported. In general, the auto-increment is selected for the primary key field.
Enter the SQL command specifier that instructs the data source to auto-increment a specified Integer data field. For example, the following MySQL statement used the AUTO_INCREMENT statement to increase the "id" field each time the statement creates a data field:
For this example, you must enter AUTO_INCREMENT into the Auto-increment statement box.
Enter an SQL statement that returns the last auto-incremented value for the primary key data field. For example: