
Aƭtomate filtras la elektitan ĉelaron, kaj kreas unuvicajn listujojn kie vi povas elekti la erojn vidigotajn.

Por atingi ĉi tiun komandon...

From the menu bar:

Choose Data - AutoFilter.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Data - AutoFilter.

On the Data menu of the Data tab, choose AutoFilter.

From toolbars:

Icon Autofilter

AĆ­tomate filtri

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + L


Por apliki malsamajn aƭtomatajn filtrilojn al diversaj folioj, vi devas unue agordi datumbazan amplekson por ĉiu folio.

Sort Ascending

Displays the rows of the cell range in ascending order, based on the values in the cells of the current column.

Sort Descending

Displays the rows of the cell range in descending order, based on the values in the cells of the current column.

Filter by Color

Text color

Displays only the rows of the cell range for which the text color of the cell in the current column matches the color selected.

Background color

Displays only the rows of the cell range for which the background color of the cell in the current column matches the color selected.

Filter by Condition


Displays only the rows of the cell range that have an empty cell in the current column.

Not Empty

Displays only the rows of the cell range that have a non-empty cell in the current column.

Top 10

Displays the 10 rows of the cell range that contain the largest values in the cells of the current column. If these values are unique then no more than 10 rows will be visible, but if the values are not unique then it is possible for more than 10 rows to be shown.

Bottom 10

Displays the 10 rows of the cell range that contain the lowest values in the cells of the current column. If these values are unique then no more than 10 rows will be visible, but if the values are not unique then it is possible for more than 10 rows to be shown.

Standard Filter

Opens the Standard Filter dialog.

Search text box

Search for a specific entry in the list of values found in the current column. As characters are typed in the text box, this list is updated to show only matching entries.


Click once to select to show all rows and click again to select to hide all rows.

Show only current item

Display only rows containing the value highlighted in the Value box.

Hide only current item

Hide all rows containing the value highlighted in the Value box and display all other rows.


List of unique values found in the current column.

Bonvolu subteni nin!