Function List

Malfermas la panelon Funkcia Listo, kiu vidigas ĉiujn funkciojn enmeteblajn en la dokumenton. La fenestro Funkcia Listosimilas al la langeto Funkcioj de la Funkcia Asistanto. Enmetas funkciojn kun lokokupiloj kiujn anstataŭu per viaj propraj valoroj.

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From the menu bar:

Choose View - Function List.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Function List

From toolbars:

Icon Functions


From the sidebar:

Choose Functions.

The Function List window is a resizable dockable window. Use it to quickly enter functions in the spreadsheet. By double-clicking an entry in the functions list, the respective function is directly inserted with all parameters.

Kategoria Listo

Lists all the categories to which the different functions are assigned. Select a category to view the appropriate functions in the list field below. Select "All" to view all functions in alphabetical order, irrespective of category. "Last Used" lists the functions you have most recently used.

Funkcia Listo

Displays the available functions. When you select a function, the area below the list box displays a short description. To insert the selected function double-click it or click the Insert Function into calculation sheet icon.

Enmetu Funkcion en la kalkulan folion

Icon Insert Function

Inserts the selected function into the document.

Bonvolu subteni nin!