Helpo de LibreOffice 24.8
The Add-in functions are supplied by the UNO service.
Returns the cosine of a complex number.
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.
Returns the cotangent of a complex number.
Returns the cosecant of a complex number.
Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.
Returns the secant of a complex number.
Returns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number.
Returns the sine of a complex number.
Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
Returns the tangent of a complex number.
Converts a value from one unit of measurement to the corresponding value in another unit of measurement.
The result is the number for the octal number string entered.
Number is a string that represents an octal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
=OCT2DEC("144") returns 100.
The result is the string representing the number in hexadecimal form for the octal number string entered.
OCT2HEX(Number [; Places])
Number is a string that represents an octal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
Places is the number of places to be output.
=OCT2HEX("144";4) returns "0064".
The result is the string representing the number in binary (base-2) form for the octal number string entered.
OCT2BIN(Number [; Places])
Number is a string that represents an octal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.
Places is the number of places to be output.
=OCT2BIN("3";3) returns "011".
Liveras la duoblan faktorialon de nombro.
Returns Number !!, the double factorial of Number, where Number is an integer greater than or equal to zero.
Por paraj nombroj FAKTDUOBL(n) liveras je:
2*4*6*8* ... *n
Por malparaj nombroj FAKTDUOBL(n) liveras je:
1*3*5*7* ... *n
FAKDUOBL(0) liveras je 1 laŭ difino.
=FAKTDUOBL(6) liveras je 48.
=FAKTDUOBL(6) liveras je 48.
=FAKTDUOBL(6) liveras je 48.
La rezulto estas la absoluta valoro de kompleksa numero.
ComplexNumber is a complex number that is entered in the form "x+yi" or "x+yj".
=IMABS("5+12j") liveras je 13.
La rezulto estas la imaginara koeficiento de kompleksa numero.
=IMAGINARA("4+3j") liveras je 3.
La rezulto estas la argumento (la angulo fi) de kompleksa numero.
=IMARGUMENTO("3+4j") liveras je 0,927295.
La rezulto estas la divido de du kompleksaj numeroj.
IMDIV("Numerator"; "Denominator")
Numerator, Denominator are complex numbers that are entered in the form "x+yi" or "x+yj".
=IMDIV("-238+240i";"10+24i") liveras je 5+12i.
La rezulto estas la potenco de e kaj la kompleksa numero. La konstanto e havas valoron proksimume 2,71828182845904.
=IMEXP("1+j") liveras je 1.47+2.29j (rondigita).
La rezulto estas la konjugita kompleksa komplemento al kompleksa numero.
=IMKONJUG("1+j") liveras je 1-j.
La rezulto estas la natura logaritmo (al la bazo e) de kompleksa numero. La konstanto e havas valoron proksimume 2,71828182845904.
=IMLN("1+j") liveras je 0,35+0,79j (rondigita).
La rezulto estas la dekbaza logaritmo (al la bazo 10) de kompleksa numero.
=IMLOG10("1+j") liveras je 0,15+0,34j (rondigita).
La rezulto estas la dubaza logaritmo de kompleksa numero.
=IMLOG2("1+j") liveras je 0,50+1,13j (rondigita).
The result is the ComplexNumber raised to the power of Number.
IMPOWER("ComplexNumber"; Number)
Number is the exponent.
=IMPOT("2+3i";2) liveras je -5+12i.
The result is the product of a set of complex numbers.
IMPRODUCT(Complex 1 [; Complex 2 [; … [; Complex 255]]])
=IMPRODUTO("3+4j";"5-3j") liveras je 27+11j.
La rezulto estas la kvadrata radiko de kompleksa numero.
=IMRAD("3+4i") liveras je 2+1i.
La rezulto estas la reela koeficiento de kompleksa numero.
=IMREEL("1+3j") liveras je 1.
La rezulto estas la diferenco inter du kompleksaj numeroj.
IMSUB("ComplexNumber1"; "ComplexNumber2")
=IMSUB("13+4j";"5+3j") liveras je 8+j.
The result is the sum of a set of complex numbers.
IMSUM(Complex 1 [; Complex 2 [; … [; Complex 255]]])
=IMSUM("13+4j";"5+3j") liveras je 18+7j.
La rezulto estas kompleksa numero kiu devenas de reela koeficiento kaj imaginara koeficiento.
COMPLEX(RealNum; INum [; Suffix])
RealNum is the real coefficient of the complex number.
INum is the imaginary coefficient of the complex number.
Suffix is a list of options, "i" or "j".
=IMRAD("3+4i") liveras je 2+1i.