LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Some text strings get interpreted as operators automatically. Sometimes this is not what you want. If you want to write W* (a letter with a superscripted asterisk), the asterisk will be interpreted as a multiplication operator. Enclose the direct text within double quotes or add spaceholders.
An imported MathType formula contains the following string
W rSup { size 8{*} }
If you have set up Math to convert imported MathType formulae (in LibreOffice - PreferencesTools - Options - Load/Save - Microsoft Office), you see the formula with a placeholder instead of the asterisk.
Change {*} to {} * {} as in the following formula:
W rSup { size 8{} * {} }
You can also use W^"*" to enter the character as direct text.
Some formulae start with an = sign. Use "=" to enter that character as direct text.