The Classification bar contains tools to help secure document handling.
The Classification toolbar contains listboxes to help in selecting the security of the document, according to the BAF category policy and BAILS levels. LibreOffice will add custom fields in the document properties (File - Properties, Custom Properties tab) to store the classification policy as document metadata.
To access this command...
Choose View - Toolbars - TSCP Classification
Default levels of classification
LibreOffice provides default levels of document classification (BAILS) shown below, sorted by increasing level of business sensitivity:
Non-Business: Information in document has no impact in business, if made public.
General Business: Minor impact. Information has impact in business, can generate embarrassments, minor damage in brand image, if made public.
Confidential: Modest impact. Information disclosed can damage business brand, can generate negative media coverage and loss of revenue.
Internal use only: Major damage. Negative national media, lawsuits, fines, long term brand damages.