LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Initializes the random-number generator used by the Rnd function.
Randomize [Number]
Number: Any integer value. Used as seed to initialize the random-number generator. Equal seeds result in equal random-number sequences by the Rnd function. If the parameter is omitted, the Randomize statement will be ignored.
Unless a predictable sequence of numbers is desired, there is no need to use the Randomize statement, as the random-number generator will be initialized automatically at first use – it will be seeded using a system-provided random-number generator that produces uniformly-distributed, non-deterministic random numbers. If no such generator is available on the system, the system time will be used as seed.
The Randomize statement affects BASIC's Rnd function only. Other random-number generators (for example the Calc's RAND() function, etc.) are not affected by it.
Sub ExampleRandomize
Dim iCount As Integer, iVar As Integer, sText As String
Dim iSpectral(10) As Integer
Randomize 2^14-1
For iCount = 1 To 1000
iVar = Int(10 * Rnd) ' Range from 0 to 9
iSpectral(iVar) = iSpectral(iVar) +1
Next iCount
sText = " | "
For iCount = 0 To 9
sText = sText & iSpectral(iCount) & " | "
Next iCount
MsgBox sText,0,"Spectral Distribution"
End Sub