Chart Type Stock

On the first page of the Chart Wizard you can choose a chart type.

To access this command...

Choose Insert - Chart...

Icon Insert Chart

Insert Chart


A Stock chart illustrates the market trend given by opening price, bottom price, top price and closing price. The transaction volume can also be shown.

For a Stock chart the order of the data series is important. The data should be arranged as shown in the example table below.








Transaction volume

Opening price

Low (bottom price)

High (top price)

Closing price




































The open, low, high, and closing values of a row build together one data unit in the chart. A stock price data series consists of several rows containing such data units. The column containing the transaction volume builds an optional second data series.

Depending on the chosen variant, you do not need all columns.

Stock Chart Variants

Choose the Stock chart type on the first page of the Chart Wizard. Then select one of the four variants.

Type 1

Based on low and high column Type 1 shows the distance between bottom price (low) and top price (high) by a vertical line.

Based on low, high, and close column Type 1 shows an additional horizontal mark for the closing price.

Type 2

Based on open, low, high, and close columns, Type 2 generates the traditional "candle stick" chart. Type 2 draws the vertical line between the bottom and top price and adds a rectangle in front, which visualises the range between the opening and closing price. If you click on the rectangle you will see more information in the status bar. LibreOffice uses different fill colours for rising values (the opening price is lower than the closing price) and falling values.

Type 3

Based on volume, low, high, and close columns, Type 3 draws a chart like Type 1, with additional columns for the transaction volume.

Type 4

Based on all five data columns volume, open, low, high, and close, Type 4 combines a chart of Type 2 with a column chart for the transaction volume.

Because measurement for transaction volume might be "units", a second y-axis is introduced in chart Type 3 and Type 4. The price axis is shown on the right side and the volume axis on the left side.

Setting the Data Source

Charts based on its own data

To change the data series of a chart having its own data, choose Chart Data Table from the View menu or from the context menu of the chart in edit mode.

In an embedded chart data table, the data series are always organised in columns.

For a new stock chart first use a column chart. Add the columns you need and enter your data in the order which is shown in the example, omitting any columns not required for the desired variant. Use Move Series Right to change the column order. Close the chart data table. Now use the Chart Type dialogue box to change to the stock chart variant.

If you have already got a stock chart and you want to change the variant, then first change the chart type to a column chart, add or remove columns so that it fits to the variant, and then change the chart type back to a stock chart.

Do not write the name of a data series in a row. Write the name into the field above the role name.

The order of the rows determines how the categories are arranged in the chart. Use Move Row Down to change the order.

Charts based on Calc or Writer tables

You can choose or alter a data range on the second page of the Chart Wizard or in the Data Range dialogue box. For fine tuning use the Data Series dialogue box.

To specify a data range do one of the following:

  1. Enter the data range in the text box.

    In Calc, an example data range would be "$Sheet1.$B$3:$B$14". Note that a data range may consist of more than one region in a spreadsheet, e.g. "$Sheet1.A1:A5;$Sheet1.D1:D5" is also a valid data range. In Writer, an example data range would be "Table1.A1:E4".

    As long as the syntax is not correct, LibreOffice shows the text in red.

  1. In Calc, click Select data range to minimise the dialogue box, then drag to select the data range. When you release the mouse, the data are entered. Click Select data range again to add a data range. In the input field of the minimised dialogue box, click after the entry and type a semicolon. Then drag to select the next range.

Click one of the options for data series in rows or in columns.

Your stock chart data are "in columns", if the information in a row belongs to the same "candle stick".

Fine Tuning the Data Ranges of Table Based Stock Charts

You can organise data series and edit the source for parts of single data series on the third page of the Chart Wizard or on the page Data Series in the Data Range dialogue box.

Organise Data Series

In the data series area on the left side of the dialogue box, you can organise the data series of the actual chart. A stock chart has at least one data series containing the prices. It might have a second data series for transaction volume.

If you have more than one price data series, use the Up and Down arrow buttons to order them. The order determines the arrangement in the chart. Do the same for volume data series. You cannot switch price and volume data series.

To remove a data series, select the data series in the list and click Remove.

To add a data series, select one of the existing data series and click Add. You get an empty entry below the selected one, which has the same type. If you have no price data series or no volume data series, you must first select a range for these series in the Data Range dialogue box.

Setting Data Ranges

In the Data Ranges dialogue box you can set or change the data range of each component of the selected data series.

In the upper list you will see the role name of the components and the current values. When you have selected a role, you can change the value in the text box below the list. The label shows the selected role.

Enter the range into the text box or click on Select data range to minimise the dialogue box and select the range with the mouse.

Select Open Values, Close Values, High Values, and Low Values in any order. Specify only the ranges for those roles which you need for the chosen variant of the stock chart. The ranges need not be next to each other in the table.


The legend displays the labels from the first row or column or from the special range that you have set in the Data Series dialogue box. If your chart does not contain labels, the legend displays text like "Row 1, Row 2, ...", or "Column A, Column B, ..." according to the row number or column letter of the chart data.

The legend shows the value from the range, which you entered in the Range for Name field in the Data Range dialogue box. The default entry is the column header of the closing price column.

Select one of the position options. When the chart is finished, you can specify other positions using the Format menu.

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