LibreOffice 25.2 Help
You can open and save data in the dBASE file format (*.dbf file extension) in LibreOffice Base or a spreadsheet. In LibreOffice Base, a dBASE database is a folder that contains a collection of files with the .dbf file extension. Each file corresponds to a table in the database. Formulae and formatting are not transferred when you open and save a dBASE file from LibreOffice.
Choose File - Open.
Locate the *.dbf file that you want to import.
Click Open.
The Import dBASE files dialogue box opens.
Click OK.
The dBASE file opens as a new Calc spreadsheet.
If you want to save the spreadsheet as a dBASE file, do not alter or delete the first row in the imported file. This row contains information that is required by a dBASE database.
A LibreOffice Base database table is actually a link to an existing database.
.In the File name box of the Save As dialogue box, enter a name for the database.
Click Save.
In the Database type box of the Database Properties dialogue box, select "dBASE".
Click Next.
Click Browse.
Locate the directory that contains the dBASE file, and click OK.
Click Create.
Choose File - Save As.
In the File format box, select "dBASE file".
In the File name box, type a name for the dBASE file.
Click Save.
Only the data on the current sheet is exported.