LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Specifies the elements to be included in the printout of all sheets with the current Page Style. Additionally, you can set the print order, the first page number, and the page scale.
Defines which elements of the spreadsheet are to be printed.
Specifies whether you want the column and row headers to be printed.
Prints out the borders of the individual cells as a grid. For the view on screen, make your choice under LibreOffice - PreferencesTools - Options - LibreOffice Calc - View - Grid lines.
Prints the comments defined in your spreadsheet. They will be printed on a separate page, along with the corresponding cell reference.
Includes all inserted objects (if printable) and graphics with the printed document.
Prints the charts that have been inserted into your spreadsheet.
Includes all drawing objects in the printed document.
Prints the formulae contained in the cells, instead of the results.
Specifies that cells with a zero value are printed.
Defines the order in which data in a sheet is numbered and printed when it does not fit on one printed page.
Prints vertically from the left column to the bottom of the sheet.
Prints horizontally from the top row of the sheet to the right column.
Select this option if you want this style to restart page numbering.
Enter the number you want to restart at.
Defines a page scale for the printed spreadsheet.
Select a scaling mode from the list box. Appropriate controls will be shown below the list box.
Specifies a scaling factor to scale all printed pages.
Enter a scaling factor. Factors less than 100 reduce the pages, higher factors enlarge the pages.
Specifies the maximum number of pages horizontally (width) and vertically (height) on which every sheet with the current Page Style is to be printed.
The print ranges are always scaled proportionally, so the resulting number of pages may be fewer than specified.
You may disable one of the boxes, then the unspecified dimension will use as many pages as necessary.
If you disable both boxes, this will result in a scaling factor of 100%.
Enter the maximum number of pages to be printed horizontally across.
Enter the maximum number of pages to be printed vertically stacked.
Specifies the maximum number of pages on which every sheet with the current Page Style is to be printed. The scale will be reduced as necessary to fit the defined number of pages.
Enter the maximum number of pages to be printed.