
Wopśimujo pśikaze za formatěrowanje wugótowanja a wopśimjeśa wašogo dokumenta.


Wócynja pódmeni, źož móžośo pśikaze za tekstowe formatěrowanje wubraś.


Wócynja podmeni, źož móžośo pśikaze za tekstowy wótkłon wubraś.

Align Text

Set the alignment options for the current text paragraph in its container.

Formatěrowanje klonowaś

Wubjeŕśo nejpjerwjej tekst abo objekt a klikniśo pón na toś ten symbol. Klikniśo pón na drugi tekst abo śěgniśo jen abo klikniśo na objekt, aby to samske formatěrowanje nałožył.

Clear Direct Formatting

Removes direct formatting from the selection.

Spotlight Direct Character Formatting

Spotlights direct character formatting applied in the text.


Changes the font and the font formatting for the selected characters.


Modifies the format of the current paragraph, such as indents and alignment.


Wócynja pódmeni, źož móžośo pśikaze za napóranje a wobźěłowanje lisćinow wubraś.

Bullets and Numbering

Adds numbering or bullets to the current paragraph or to selected paragraphs, and lets you edit format of the numbering or bullets.


The bundling of color, font and format settings is possible under the concept of Theme.

Page Style

Specify the formatting styles and the layout for the current page style, including page margins, headers and footers, and the page background.

Title page

Opens a dialog where you can design a title page.


Gaž komentary eksistěruju, se dialog „Znamuško“ pokazujo. Změny pisma a pismowego formatěrowanja se na wšykne komentary nałožuju.

Asian Phonetic Guide

Allows you to add comments next to Asian characters to serve as a pronunciation guide.

Maśo jano pśistup k toś tym pśikazam, za tym až sćo zmóžnił pódpěru za aziske rěcy w – Rěcy a narodne šemy – Powšykne.


Specifies the number of columns and the column layout for a page style, frame, or section.


Insert a watermark text in the current page style background.


Changes the properties of sections defined in your document.


Wócynja pódmeni, źož móžośo pśikaze za wobźěłowanje wobrazow wubraś.

Text Box and Shape

Opens a submenu to edit the properties of the selected textbox or shape.

Frame and Object

Opens a submenu to link and unlink frames, and edit properties of a selected frame.


Assigns a name to the selected object, so that you can quickly find the object in the Navigator.

Alt Text

Assigns a text and an alt text to the selected object. These texts are available as alternative tags in your document for use by accessibility tools. They are also available as tags for images when you export the document.


Shows anchoring options for the selected object.


Specify the way you want text to wrap around an object. You can also specify the spacing between the text and the object.


Changes the stacking order of the selected object(s).

Wjerśeś abo kipnuś

Wócynja pódmeni, źož móžośo wubranu formu abo wobraz wjerśeś abo kipnuś. Tekstowe póla daju se jano wjerśeś.


Groups keep together selected objects, so that they can be moved or formatted as a single object.

Pšosym pódprějśo nas!