Póla wobźěłaś

Opens a dialog where you can edit the properties of a field. Click in front of a field, and then choose this command. In the dialog, you can use the arrow buttons to move to the previous or the next field.

You can also double-click a field in your document to open the field for editing.

Pśistup k toś tomu pśikazoju …

Z menijoweje rědki:

Wubjeŕśo Wobźěłaś – Pólo.

Wubjeŕśo Zasajźiś – Póla.

Wubjeŕśo Zasajźiś – Prěcna pokazka….

Z kontekstowego menija:

Pólo wobźěłaś

Z pówjercha z rejtarikami:

Wubjeŕśo Zasajźiś – Póla.

Wubjeŕśo Zasajźiś – Prěcna pokazka….

Wubjeŕśo Reference – Póla.

Wubjeŕśo Reference – Prěcna pokazka….

Ze symbolowych rědkow:

Symbol za Prěcna pokazka

Prěcna pokazka

Symbol za Pólo zasajźiś

Pólo zasajźiś

Z tastatury:

+ F2


To change the view between field names and field contents in your document, choose View - Field Names.


If you select a DDE link in your document, and then choose Edit - Fields, the Edit Links dialog opens.


If you click in front of a "sender" type field, and then choose Edit - Fields, the User data dialog opens.


Lists the type of field that you are editing.


The following dialog elements are only visible when the corresponding field type is selected.


Lists the field options, for example, "fixed". If you want, you can click another option for the selected field type.


Select the format for the contents of the field. For date, time, and user-defined fields, you can also click "Additional formats" in the list, and then choose a different format. The formats that are available depend on the type of field that you are editing.


Displays the offset for the selected field type, for example, for "Next Page," "Page Numbers" or "Previous Page". You can enter a new offset value which will be added to the displayed page number.


If you want to change the actual page number and not the displayed number, do not use the Offset value. To change page numbers, read the Page Numbers guide.

Až do rowniny

Selects the heading to display according to the specified format. The first heading before the field whose outline level is equal to or less than the specified outline level is selected. This option is available only for field types Heading (document) and Number range (variable).

Displays the name of a field variable. If you want, you can enter a new name.


Displays the current value of the field variable. If you want, you can enter a new value.

Fixed content

Inserts the field as static content, that is, the field cannot be updated.


Displays the condition that must be met for the field to be activated. If you want, you can enter a new condition.

Pótom, Howac

Change the field contents that are displayed depending on whether the field condition is met or not.


Opens the Macro Selector dialog, where you can choose the macro that will run when you click the selected field in the document. This button is only available for the "Execute macro" function field.


Insert or modify the reference text for the selected field.

Mě makra

Displays the name of the macro assigned to the selected field.

Zastupujucy symbol

Displays the placeholder text of the selected field.

Tekst zasajźiś

Displays the text that is linked to a condition.


Displays the formula of a formula field.


Hides the field contents in the document. The field is inserted as a thin gray mark in the document. This option is only available for the "Set Variable" and "User Field" field types.


Adds the user-defined field to the Select list.

Symbol za Nałožyś



Removes the user-defined field from the select list. You can only remove fields that are not used in the current document. To remove a field that is used in the current document from the list, first delete all instances of the field in the document, and then remove it from the list.



Database selection

Select a registered database that you want to insert the selected field from. You can also change the table or query that the selected field refers to.

Numer datoweje sajźby

Displays the database record number that is inserted when the condition specified for the "Any record" field type is met.

Šypka nalěwo

Jumps to the previous field of the same type in the document. This button is only active when a document contains more than one field of the same type.

Icon Previous Field

Previous Field

Šypka napšawo

Jumps to the next field of the same type in the document. This button is only active when a document contains more than one field of the same type.

Icon Next Field

Next Field

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