Digital Signatures

Adds and removes digital signatures to and from your document. You can also use the dialog to view certificates.

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Z menijoweje rědki:

Wubjeŕśo Dataja – Digitalne signatury – Digitalne signatury….

Wubjeŕśo Dataja – Kakosći… – rejtarik: Powšykne a klikniśo na tłocašk Digitalne signatury….

Wubjeŕśo Rědy – Makra – Digitalna signatura….

Z pówjercha z rejtarikami:

Wubjeŕśo Dataja – Digitalne signatury.

Ze symbolowych rědkow:

Symbol za Digitalna signatura

Digitalna signatura

Ze statusoweje rědki:

Klikniśo na pólo Signatura w statusowej rědce.

Wó digitalnych signaturach

You must save a file before you can apply a digital signature to the file.

You must save a file in OpenDocument format or OOXML format or export to PDF before you can apply an X509 digital signature to the file. You must save a file in OpenDocument format and have GnuPG installed on your system before you can apply an OpenPGP digital signature to the file.

The signature will be a XAdES signature for ODF and OOXML, PAdES signature for PDF.


Lists the digital signatures for the current document.

The Signed iconIcon indicates a valid digital signature, while the Exclamation mark iconIcon indicates an invalid digital signature.

Hlejće tež Digitalne signatury.

Certifikat pokazaś

Opens the View Certificate dialog.

Dokument signěrowaś

Opens the Select Certificate dialog.


Removes the selected signature from the list. Removes all subsequent signatures as well, in case of PDF.

Zastojnik certifikatow GPG

Opens the installed certificate manager of your system.

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