Specify the position, scaling, rotation, and spacing for characters.

Pśistup k toś tomu pśikazoju …

Wubjeŕśo Format –Znamuško… – rejtarik: Pozicija.

Wubjeŕśo Naglěd – Formatowe pśedłogi, wócyńśo kontekstowy meni zapiska a klikniśo na Nowy… /Pśedłogu wobźěłaś… – rejtarik: Wusměrjenje.

The changes are applied to the current selection, to the entire word that contains the cursor, or to the new text that you type.


Set the subscript or superscript options for a character.


Reduces the font size of the selected text and raises the text above the baseline.


Removes superscript or subscript formatting.


Reduces the font size of the selected text and lowers the text below the baseline.


Enter the amount by which you want to raise or to lower the selected text in relation to the baseline. One hundred percent is equal to the height of the font.

Relatiwna pismowa wjelikosć

Enter the amount by which you want to reduce the font size of the selected text.


Automatically sets the amount by which the selected text is raised or lowered in relation to the baseline.


Šyrokosć skalěrowaś

Enter the percentage of the font width by which to horizontally stretch or compress the selected text.


Specify the spacing between individual characters.


Specifies the spacing between the characters of the selected text. Enter the amount by which you want to expand or condense the text in the spin button.


To increase the spacing, set a positive value; to reduce it, set a negative value.

Icon Spacing


Pair kerning

Automatically adjust the character spacing for specific letter combinations.

Kerning is only available for certain font types and requires that your printer support this option.

Źělenje złožkow

Skip hyphenation for selected words.

Ze źělenja złožkow wuzamknuś

It prevents hyphenation of the selected word or words in a paragraph hyphenated automatically.

Pólo pśeglěda

Pokazujo pśeglěd aktualnego wuběrka.

Slědk stajiś

Staja změny slědk, kótarež su se pśewjadli w aktualnem rejtariku, na te nastajenja, kótarež do togo su byli we wócynjonem dialogu.


Nałožujo změnjone abo wubrane gódnoty, bźez togo aby se dialog zacynił.

Pšosym pódprějśo nas!