Pomoc za LibreOffice 25.2
Wužywajśo symbolowu rědku Rědy za pśistup k cesto trjebnym pśikazam.
D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/02/18010000.xhp#syinsert not found).
Klikniśo na šypku pódla symbola, aby symbolowu rědku Cele zasajźiś wócynił, źož móžośo cele, smužki a słupy do aktualneje tabele zasajźiś.
Symbolowa rědka Formularowe wóźeńske elementy abo pódmeni rědy wopśimujo, kótarež trjebaśo, aby interaktiwny formular załožił.
Use this command to apply an AutoFormat to a selected sheet areatable area or to define your own AutoFormats.
Use this command to apply an AutoFormat to a selected sheet areatable area or to define your own AutoFormats.
Nałožujo formatowu pśedłogu na wubrane cele.
Automatically filters the selected cell range, and creates one-row list boxes where you can choose the items that you want to display.
Defines an advanced filter.
Opens a dialog where you can select the source for your pivot table, and then create or edit your table.
Pśetwórjujo pjenjezne sumy w dokumentach LibreOffice Calc a w pólach a tabelach LibreOffice Writer do eurow.
Opens a dialog where you can specify a name for a selected area or a name for a formula expression.
Opens a dialog where you can solve an equation with a variable.
Defines the selected cell range as a group of rows or columns.
Ungroups the selection. In a nested group, the last rows or columns that were added are removed from the group.
Ungroups the selection. In a nested group, the last rows or columns that were added are removed from the group.