MINIFS function

Returns the minimum of the values of cells in a range that meets multiple criteria in multiple ranges.


MINIFS(Func_Range; Range1; Criterion[; Range2; Criterion2][; … ; [Range127; Criterion127]])

Func_Range – required argument. A range of cells, a name of a named range or a label of a column or a row containing values for calculating the minimum.

Range1 – required argument. It is a range of cells, a name of a named range, or a label of a column or a row, to which the corresponding criterion is to be applied.

Criterion: A criterion is a single cell Reference, Number or Text. It is used in comparisons with cell contents.

A reference to an empty cell is interpreted as the numeric value 0.

A matching expression can be:

Range2 – Optional. Range2 and all the following mean the same as Range1.

Criterion2 – Optional. Criterion2 and all the following mean the same as Criterion.

Pytanje zastupujuce symbole abo regularne wuraze pódpěra. Ze zmóžnjonymi regularnymi wurazami móžośo „all.*“ zapódaś, aby na pśikład prědne wustupowanje „all“, slědowane wót někakich znamuškow, namakał. Jolic cośo tekst pytaś, kótaryž jo teke regularny wuraz, musyśo pak pśed kužde metaznamuško abo operator regularnego wuraza znamuško „\“ stajiś pak tekst z \Q…\E wobdaś. Móžośo awtomatiske wugódnośenje zastupujucych symbolow abo regularnych wurazow w – LibreOffice Calc – Wulicyś zmóžniś abo znjemóžniś.


Gaž funkcije wužywaśo, źož se jaden argument wužywa abo někotare argumenty wužywaju, kótarež su znamjenjowe rjeśazki pytańskich kriterijow, kótarež regularny wuraz reprezentěruju, prědny wopyt jo, kriterije znamjenjowego rjeśazka do licbow pśetwóriś. „.0“ se na pśikład do 0.0 pśetwórja a tak dalej. Jolic to jo wuspěšne, njebuźo wótpowědnik wótpowědnik regularnego wuraza, ale buźo numeriski wótpowědnik. Gaž pak narodnu šemu wužywaś, źož decimalne źěleńske znamje njejo dypk, buźo pśetwórjenje regularnego wuraza funkcioněrowaś. Aby wugódnośenje regularnego wuraza město numeriskego wuraza wunuzkał, wužywajśo někaki wuraz, kótaryž njedajo se wopak ako numeriski rozměś, na pśikład „.[0]“ abo „.\0“ abo „(?i).0.

Func_Range and Range1, Range2... must have the same size, otherwise the function returns err:502 - Invalid argument.


The logical relation between criteria can be defined as logical AND (conjunction). In other words, if and only if all given criteria are met, a value from the corresponding cell of the given Func_Range is taken into calculation.

The function can have up to 255 arguments, meaning that you can specify 127 criteria ranges and criteria for them.

If a cell contains TRUE, it is treated as 1, if a cell contains FALSE – as 0 (zero).


Consider the following table





Product Name
























In all examples below, ranges for calculation contain the row #6, which is ignored because it contains text.

Simple usage


Calculates the minimum of values of the range B2:B6 that are lower than or equal to 20. Returns 17.


Calculates the minimum of values of the range C2:C6 that are lower than 90 and correspond to cells of the B2:B6 range with values greater than or equal to 20. Returns 190.

Using regular expressions and nested functions


Calculates the minimum of values of the range C2:C6 that correspond to all values of the range B2:B6 except its minimum and maximum. Returns 65.


Calculates the minimum of values of the range C2:C6 that correspond to all cells of the A2:A6 range ending with "book" and to all cells of the B2:B6 range except its minimum. Returns 190.

Reference to a cell as a criterion

If you need to change a criterion easily, you may want to specify it in a separate cell and use a reference to this cell in the condition of the MINIFS function. For example, the above function can be rewritten as follows:


If E2 = "book", the function returns 180, because the reference to the cell is substituted with its content.

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Technical information


Toś ta funkcija jo wót LibreOffice 5.2 k dispoziciji.

This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is


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