Pomoc za LibreOffice 24.8
Opens a submenu to create or edit a pivot table. A pivot table provides a summary of large amounts of data. You can then rearrange the pivot table to view different summaries of the data.
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Wubjeŕśo Daty – Pivotowa tabela.
Pivotowa tabela
Opens a dialog where you can select the source for your pivot table, and then create or edit your table.
Updates the pivot table.
Deletes the selected pivot table.
Pivot table dialog
Pódobne temy
Pivotowe tabele napóraś
Pivotowe tabele filtrowaś
Pivotowe tabele aktualizěrowaś
Pivotowe tabele formatěrowaś
Pivotowe tabele zrědowaś
Wudawańske wobceŕki pivotoweje tabele wubraś
Pivotowe tabele lašowaś
Pivotowy diagram
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