Index (table of contents)

De følgende indstillinger er tilgængelige, når du vælger Indholdsfortegnelse som indekstype.

For at tilgå denne kommando...

Vælg Indsæt ▸ Indholdsfortegnelser og stikordsregister ▸ indholdsfortegnelser, indeks eller litteraturliste (når Indholdsfortegnelse er den valgte type)

Type og titel

Angiv typen og titlen på indekset.


Indtast en titel på det valgte indeks.


Vælg den type indeks, du vil indsætte eller redigere. De tilgængelige indstillinger på dette fanebladet afhænger af den indekstype, du markerer. Hvis musemarkøren svæver over et indeks, når du vælger Indsæt - Indholdsfortegnelse og stikordsregister - Indholdsfortegnelse, stikordsregister eller litteraturliste, kan du redigere dette indeks.

Beskyttet mod manuelle ændringer

Forhindrer at indholdet af indekset bliver ændret. Manuelle ændringer, som du laver i et indeks, går tabt når indekset bliver opdateret. Hvis du vil have markøren til at rulle gennem et beskyttet område, skal du vælge - LibreOffice Writer - Formateringshjælp og så vælge afkrydsningsfeltet Aktiver markørt i afsnittet Markør i beskyttede områder.

Opret Stikordsfortegnelse eller Indholdsfortegnelse


Vælg at oprette indekset enten for dokumentet eller for det aktuelle kapitel.

Include up to level

Specify the maximum outline level for a paragraph, specified in Create from, to be included in the index.

Opret ud fra

Brug dette område til at angive hvilke informationer, der skal inkluderes i et indeks.


Creates the index using outline levels. Any paragraph with an outline level less than or equal to the outline level specified in Include up to level is included in the index.

Paragraphs formatted with one of the predefined paragraph styles (“Heading 1–10”) have an outline level that corresponds to the number in the paragraph style. You can also assign outline levels to paragraphs in the Outline & List tab page of the Format - Paragraph dialog.


LibreOffice creates the table of contents entries based on the outline level of the paragraph style and the paragraph contents. If the paragraph is empty, it will not be included in the table of contents. To force the empty paragraph to be listed in the table of contents, manually add a space or a non breaking space to the paragraph. Spaces added in the After text box of the Numbering tab in the Heading Numbering dialog will not work for this purpose, since they are part of the paragraph numbering, not the paragraph contents.

Yderligere typografier

Includes paragraphs with the paragraph styles specified in the Assign Styles dialog as index entries. To select paragraph styles, click the Assign Styles button to the right of this option.Assigned paragraph styles must have an outline level less than or equal to the value specified in Include up to level to be included in the index.


Use “Additional Styles” to include paragraphs in the Table of Contents with the “Figure Index Heading” or “Bibliography Heading” paragraph style, as well as any other relevant paragraph style.

Tildel typografier

Opens the Assign Styles dialog, where you can select paragraph styles to include in the index. Choose a desired index level for where a style will be displayed in the index.

Index entries

Choose this option to include index entries inserted in the document with Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Index Entry in the generated index.

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