
Specifies the settings for an ODBC data source connection.

On Solaris and Linux platforms, try using the JDBC driver instead of the ODBC driver. Refer to the unixODBC Project web page for an ODBC implementation on Solaris or Linux.

For at forbinde til en Microsoft Access-database på Windows, bruger du ADO- eller Access-databasegrænsefladen hellere end ODBC.


Drivere til ODBC leveres og understøttes af databasen fremstiller. LibreOffice understøtter kun ODBC 3-standarden.

Name of the ODBC data source

Enter the name of the data source registered in LibreOffice.


Click to open the ODBC data source selection dialog.

Vælg en datakilde

Select the data source to which you want to connect using ODBC. Then click OK.


To edit or add records to a database table in LibreOffice, the table must have a unique index field.

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