CLng Function
Konverterer ethvert streng- eller ethvert numerisk udtryk til et stort heltal.
CLng (Udtryk som Variant) som Long
Expression: Any string or numeric expression that you want to convert. To convert a string expression, the number must be entered as normal text using the default number format of your LibreOffice locale settings. For instance, the number must be entered using a dot "." as the decimal point and a comma "," as the thousands separator (for instance 123,456.78) for the English locale setting.
Hvis Expression (Udtrykket) ligger uden fordet gyldige lange heltals-område mellem -2.147.483.648 og 2.147.483.647, returnerer LibreOffice Basic en overløbsfejl.
Denne funktion afrunder altid brøkdelen af et tal, til det nærmeste hele tal.
Numeric expressions are displayed according to LibreOffice locale settings:
Sub ExampleCountryConvert
MsgBox CDbl(1234.5678) ' 1234.5678
MsgBox CInt(1234.5678) ' 1235
MsgBox CLng(1234+5678) ' 6912
MsgBox CSng(1234.5678) ' 1234.567749023
MsgBox CDbl(udtryk := 5678.1234) ' 5678.1234
MsgBox CInt(expression := 5678.1234) ' 5678
MsgBox CLng(expression := 5678+1234) ' 6912
MsgBox CSng(udtryk := 5678.1234) ' 5678.123535156
End Sub