Rebaixa el nivell d'esquema amb subpunts

Demotes the list of a list paragraph where the cursor is located and its subpoints to the next list level.

Multiple list paragraphs can be selected. Demotes the outline level of a numbered heading where the cursor is located and all its subheadings to the next outline level. This command is active only when the cursor is positioned in a list paragraph or a numbered heading.

Per a accedir a aquesta ordre...

Des de la barra de menús:

Choose Format - Lists - Demote Outline Level with Subpoints.

Des de la interfície en pestanyes:

On the Home menu of the Home tab, select Demote Outline Level with Subpoints.

Des de les barres d'eines:

Icon Demote Outline Level with Subpoints

Demote Outline Level With Subpoints

Ens cal la vostra ajuda!