Manage Templates

The Template Manager dialog makes it easy to manage templates and allows you to start new documents using templates.

Per a accedir a aquesta ordre...

Choose menu File - New – Templates.

Choose menu File – Template – Manage Templates.

Enter +Shift+N in any LibreOffice module.

Press the Templates button in the Start Center.

Select any template type from the Templates button of the Start Center.

Templates save editing time by starting new documents with pre-filled contents and formatting. The Template Manager allows you to access and organize templates in LibreOffice.

LibreOffice comes with a set of built-in templates that can be used to create documents, presentations, spreadsheets or drawings. You may use templates available in the template manager, create your own templates or browse online for additional templates.


Make use of categories to organize your templates. Create new templates or download templates and organize in the Template Manager. Use templates to save time for repetitive documents.

Main Window – Template Choices

Previews of available templates show up in the main window based on your search and filtering choices. Double-click on any template icon to open a new document with the contents and formatting of the template.

Choose Thumbnail View or List View, at the bottom left, to change how the templates are displayed.

Thumbnail View Icon

Visualització de miniatures

List View Icon



To show templates from another folder in the My Templates category, choose LibreOffice - Paths, select Templates, press Edit, then press Add to open the file dialog for selecting the folder to add.


You may search for a template by entering text in the search box at the top left. The Main window shows the templates found.


You may filter for: All Applications, Text Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations or Drawings by choosing an option from the dropdown box at the top-center. The main window displays the filtered templates.


Categories are folders where you place your templates. All templates are placed in a category, and can only be placed in one category. You may choose from the default categories: All Categories, My Templates, Business Correspondence, MediaWiki, Other Business Documents, Personal Correspondence and Documents, Presentations or Styles. You may also create new categories for your personal use. Press Manage at the top right corner of the Template Manager, then select New Category to create a new category.

It is possible to move user-defined templates and copy built-in templates to another category. Use the Move option, found by right-clicking an individual template.


No es permet crear categories dins d'altres categories.


Press Manage at the top right corner to open the Manage menu. The options are: New Category, Import, and Extensions. If a template is set as default, then the option Reset Default appears. If a user-defined category is selected, then Rename Category and Delete Category also appear.

Categoria nova

To create a new category to place a template, select this option.

Icona Categoria nova

Categoria nova

Restaura els valors per defecte

This option appears only if you have set a specific template as default. Use this command to remove that setting. Use Filter to specify which application template will be reset. Select All Applications in Filter to reset templates for all applications to their default templates.


To import one or more templates into the Template Manager, select Import, choose the Category of the template in the Select Category dialog, then select the files to be imported.

Import Icon



To browse for more templates online, choose Extensions to open a search window. You can also search for templates at

Icona Extensions


Actions with Individual Templates


Select a template in the main window and right-click and then choose Open, press Enter or double click to open a new document using that template.

You can also use the Open button on the bottom right to open a new document using the selected template.

Open Icon



Select a template in the main window and right-click and then choose Edit to edit the template. For built-in templates, it is possible to edit a copy.

Icona Edita


Estableix com a predeterminada

Select a template in the main window and right-click and then choose Set as Default to set the template as the default template. This will cause a green tick to appear next to the selected template and the template will automatically load when a new document is created using the matching application.

Set as Default Icon

Estableix com a predeterminada

Canvia el nom

Select a template in the main window and right-click and then choose Rename to rename the template. This will cause a dialog box to appear where a new name may be chosen for the template. Type in the name and then choose OK or choose Cancel to revert to the name that is already set.

Rename Icon

Canvia el nom


Select one or more templates to delete in the main window and press the Delete key, or right-click then choose Delete to delete the selected template(s). A dialog box will appear requesting confirmation. Choose Yes to delete or No to cancel.

Delete Icon



Built-in templates cannot be edited, renamed or deleted.


To move templates to a different category, choose a template, or use +click to select additional templates, then right-click and choose Move to open the Select Category dialog box, where you can choose the target category or to a new category and move the template into. Built-in templates cannot be moved, but copies can be created in other categories.

Move Icon



Choose a template in the main window, or use +click to select additional templates, and then right-click and select Export to export your selection to a folder on your computer.

Export Icon



To move or export all templates in a Category, press +A, then choose Move or Export.


Exemple 1. Creació d'una carta de negocis

  1. Obriu el LibreOffice Writer

  2. Press +Shift+N or choose File - New - Templates to open the Template Manager

  3. Type “business letter” into the search box

  4. Choose one of the templates from the main window by double-clicking on it or select and press Enter.

  5. Un document nou que utilitza aquesta plantilla es crea en una instància nova del LibreOffice Writer

  6. Modifiqueu el text i el logotip tal com calgui

Example 2 – Import Template – Personal Budget Spreadsheet

  1. Obriu el LibreOffice Calc

  2. Press +Shift+N or choose File - New - Templates to open the Template Manager

  3. Click on Manage and choose Extensions to browse for online templates.

  4. Search for the Personal Budget Template, then download it

  5. Open Template Manager and choose the Import button

  6. Select a category to save the new template in, for example, My Templates, and press OK.

  7. Browse to the folder where you downloaded the template, select it and press Open

  8. The Template is now available in the category you chose.

Example 3 – LibreOffice Impress – Presentation Template

  1. Obriu el LibreOffice Impress

  2. El gestor de plantilles s'obre automàticament quan obriu el LibreOffice Impress

  3. Choose a template for your presentation, filter by categories or search

  4. També podeu utilitzar el menú contextual, importar una plantilla o cercar-ne una a la xarxa.

  5. A few features in the Template Manager are not available when first opened automatically. After starting LibreOffice Impress you may run the Template Manager again to access all features.

Refer to for templates to download.

See Chapter 3 – Using Styles and Templates in the Getting Started Guide.

See Creating a Document Template for related information.

See Templates and Styles for related information.

Ens cal la vostra ajuda!