Condition - Cell value is

Applies a cell style on the cell or cell range controlled by the condition set in the drop down list. The formatting is applied to each cell individually and the condition may depend on other cells values of the selected range.

Per a accedir a aquesta ordre...

Des de la barra de menús:

Trieu Format ▸ Condicional ▸ Condició.

Des de la interfície en pestanyes:

Trieu Inici ▸ Condicional ▸ Condició.

Des de les barres d'eines:

Icona Formatació condicional ▸ Condició

Formatació condicional

Conditions for Text and Numbers



és igual a

The cell value equals the user defined value in text box in the right. Use text inside quotes if you compare text values.

és diferent de

The cell value is not equal (different) to the user defined value in the text box in the right. Use text inside quotes if you compare text values.

comença per

The cell contents begins with the text or number defined in the text box on the right.

acaba per

The cell contents ends with the text or number defined in the right text box.


The cell contents contains the text or number defined in the right text box.

no conté

The cell content does not contain the text or number defined in the text box on the right.


The condition applies to the internal text conversion of the cell contents. Numeric values are compared with their equivalent text representation. Numeric cell formats (currency, scientific, user-defined ... ) are not considered for comparisons.

Conditions on Numbers only



és menor que

The cell value is strictly less than the user defined value in the text box in the right.

és major que

The cell value is strictly greater than the user defined value in the text box in the right.

és menor o igual que

The cell value is less than or equal to the user defined value in the text box in the right.

és major o igual que

The cell value is greater than or equal to the user defined value in the text box in the right.

és entre

The cell value is between the two values defined in the text boxes on the right - lower and upper values - including the boundary values themselves.

no és entre

The cell value is not between the two values defined in the text boxes on the right - lower and upper values - including the boundary values themselves.

és un duplicat

The cell and at least one other cell in the range have equal contents.

no és un duplicat

The cell contents is unique in the range.

is in top N elements

The cell value is between the maximum value in the range and the Nth greater element of the same. Enter the value of N in the text box on the right.

is in bottom N elements

The cell value is between the minimum value in the range and the Nth lower element of the same. Enter the value of N in the text box on the right.

és en el N per cent superior

The cell range index value is in the top N percent of the number of cells in the range. For example, in a 20 cells range and N equals 20, the style is applied to the 4 last cells of the range. Enter the value of N in the text box on the right.

és en el N percentatge inferior

The cell range index value is in the bottom N percent of the number of cells in the range. For example, in a 20 cells range and N equals 20, the style is applied to the 4 first cells of the range. Enter the value of N in the text box on the right.

és superior a la mitjana

The cell value is strictly greater than the average of the cell range values.

See note below.

és inferior a la mitjana

The cell value is strictly less than the average of the cell range values.

See note below.

és superior o igual a la mitjana

El valor de la cel·la és igual a o major que la mitjana dels valors de l'interval de cel·les.

See note below.

és inferior o igual a la mitjana

The cell value is less or equal than the average of the cell range values.

See note below.


This function ignores any text or empty cell within a data range. If you suspect wrong results from this function, look for text in the data ranges. To highlight text contents in a data range, use the value highlighting feature.

Conditions on Errors in Cells.



és un error

The cell is in the error condition defined in the text box on the right. See List of Calc errors.

no és un error

The cell is not in the error condition defined in the text box on the right. See List of Calc errors


A cell that references another cell with an error condition is not in error itself.

Ens cal la vostra ajuda!