Ajuda del LibreOffice 24.8
Returns for a given period the payment on the principal for an investment that is based on periodic and constant payments and a constant interest rate.
Pmt( Rate as Double, Per as Double, NPer as Double, PV as Double, [FV as Variant], [Due as Variant] )
Tipus és el tipus d'interès periòdic.
Per El número de període pel qual voleu calcular el pagament principal (ha de ser un enter entre 1 i Nper).
NPer és el nombre total de períodes durant els quals es paga l'anualitat.
PV és el valor efectiu (present) d'una inversió.
VF és el valor futur d'un préstec o inversió.
Due (opcional) defineix si el pagament es deu al començament o al final d'un període.
0 - el pagament es fa al final del període;
1 - el pagament es fa al començament del període.
REM ***** BASIC *****
Option VBASupport 1
Sub ExamplePPmt
' Calculate the principal payments during months 4 & 5, for a loan that is to be paid in full
' over 6 years. Interest is 10% per year and payments are made at the end of the month.
Dim ppMth4 As Double
Dim ppMth5 As Double
' Principal payment during month 4:
ppMth4 = PPmt( 0.1/12, 4, 72, 100000 )
print ppMth4 ' ppMth4 is calculated to be -1044,94463903636.
' Pagament de capital durant el mes 5:
ppMth5 = PPmt( 0.1/12, 5, 72, 100000 )
print ppMth5' ppMth5 is calculated to be -1053,65251102833.
End Sub