Ajuda del LibreOffice 25.2
La consola de presentació mostra la presentació en una pantalla externa (projector o televisor gran) mentre que els controls de la presentació són a la pantalla de l'ordinador.
The Presenter Console provides extra control over slide shows by using different views on your computer display and on the display seen by the audience. The view you see on your computer display includes the current slide, the upcoming slide, optionally the slide notes, and a presentation timer.
The Presenter Console works only on an operating system that supports multiple displays and only when two displays are connected (one may be the laptop built-in display).
Per a activar la consola de presentació:
.In the Display - Presenter console dropdown, select either Full screen or Windowed.
To activate the Presenter Console:
Connecteu una pantalla externa a l'ordinador,
Run the slide show. Press F5 or Shift-F5 or choose
or .
Anterior: es mou a la diapositiva anterior.
Següent: es mou a la diapositiva propera.
Notes: display the Presenter Console Notes mode.
Slide: display the Presenter Console Slide sorter mode.
Reinicia: reinicia el temps transcorregut de la presentació de diapositives.
Intercanvia: canvia les pantalles entre l'ordinador i la presentació.
Tanca: als modes Notes i Classificador de diapositives, retorna al mode normal.
The Normal mode shows the current slide on the left and the next slide on the right of the computer display.
The Notes mode displays the current slide on the left, the slides notes on the right and the next slide below the current slide.
The Slide Sorter mode displays all slides in the computer screen and allows to display the selected slide out of the presentation order.