Ajuda del LibreOffice 24.8
When you first start a Open or Save dialog, LibreOffice displays your working directory. To change this first directory:
Trieu â–¸ LibreOffice â–¸ Camins.
Feu clic a Els meus documents i, tot seguit, al botó Edita, o bé feu doble clic a Els meus documents.
En el diĂ leg Seleccioneu el camĂ, trieu el directori de treball que vulgueu i feu clic a Selecciona.
When you change to different directories in Open or Save dialog, LibreOffice will display the last directory used.
You also use this procedure to change the directory displayed by LibreOffice when you want to insert a graphic. Choose - LibreOffice - Paths - Images, then follow step 3.