Prints the current document, selection, or the pages that you specify. You can also set the print options for the current document. The printing options can vary according to the printer and the operating system that you use.
Per accedir a esta orde...
From the menu bar:
Choose File - Print.
From the tabbed interface:
Choose File - Print.
From the keyboard:
OrdreCtrl +P
From toolbars:
El diàleg Imprimeix té tres parts principals: una previsualització amb botons de navegació, pestanyes amb elements de control específics del tipus de document actual i els botons Imprimeix, Cancel·la i Ajuda.
Si només voleu saber com imprimir el document, feu clic en qualsevol dels enllaços següents.
The settings that you define in the Print dialog are valid only for the current print job that you start by clicking the Print button. If you want to change some options permanently, open LibreOffice - PreferencesTools - Options - LibreOffice (application name) - Print.
Premeu Maj+F1 o trieu Ajuda ▸ Què és això? i apunteu a un element de control del diàleg Imprimeix per a visualitzar un text d'ajuda ampliada.
La previsualització mostra l'aspecte que tindrà la impressió de cada full de paper. Podeu canviar la pàgina mostrada amb els controls a sota de la previsualització.
Preview checkbox
Turn on or off display of the print preview.
Preview navigation box
Enter the number of page to be shown in the preview in the box or use the arrow buttons to display pages in the preview.
🡆 Shows preview of the next page.
⯮ Shows preview of the last page.
🡄 Shows preview of the previous page.
⯬ Shows preview of the first page.
A la pestanya General s'hi troben els elements de control més importants de la impressió. Podeu definir quin contingut del document s'ha d'imprimir. Podeu seleccionar la impressora i obrir el diàleg Configuració de la impressora.
The list box shows the installed printers. Click the printer to use for the current print job.
Shows the availability of the selected printer.
Opens the Printer Properties dialog. The printer properties vary according to the printer that you select.
Range and copies
Totes les pàgines
Imprimeix tot el document.
Prints only the pages or slides that you specify in the Pages box.
Prints only the selected area(s) or object(s) in the current document.
To print a range of pages, use a format like 3-6. To print single pages, use a format like 7;9;11. You can print a combination of page ranges and single pages, by using a format like 3-6;8;10;12.
Select the subset of pages to print. Possible values are:
Even pages:
Prints only even numbered pages or slides.
Odd pages:
Prints only odd numbered pages or slides.
Odd and even pages:
Imprimeix el document sencer.
From which
Select the source of sheet content to be printed. Possible values are Print all sheets and Print selected sheets.
Paper sides
Si la impressora és capaç d'imprimir dúplex, és possible triar entre utilitzar només un costat del paper o tots dos.
Number of copies
Enter the number of copies that you want to print.
Conserva l'ordre de les pàgines del document original.
Create separated prints jobs for collated output
Check to not rely on the printer to create collated copies but create a print job for each copy instead.
Print in reverse order
Check to print pages in reverse order.
Format de la pàgina
La secció Disposició de la pàgina pot utilitzar-se per a estalviar paper amb l'impressió de diverses pàgines en cada full. Organitzeu les pàgines de l'eixida i canvieu-ne la mida que tindran al paper físic.
Canvieu l'organització de les pàgines que s'han d'imprimir en cada full de paper. La previsualització mostra l'aspecte final que tindrà cada full de paper.
Per alguns tipus de documents, podeu triar imprimir un fullet.
Paper size
Set the paper size you would like to use. The preview will show how the document would look on a paper of the given size.
Select the orientation of the paper. Possible values are Portrait and Landscape.
Pages per sheet
Print multiple pages per sheet of paper.
Select how many pages to print per sheet of paper. When the number of pages is set to Custom, then the following settings shows:
Select number of rows.
Select number of columns.
Select margin between the printed pages and paper edge.
Select margin between individual pages on each sheet of paper.
Select order in which pages are to be printed.
Draw a border on each page
Check to draw a border around each page.
Select the Brochure option to print the document in brochure format.
Specifies whether to print colors and objects that are inserted to the background of the page, which you have specified under Format - Page Style - Background.
Images and other graphic objects
Specifies whether the graphics and drawings or OLE objects of your text document are printed.
Text amagat
Enable this option to print text that is marked as hidden.
Text placeholders
Enable this option to print text placeholders. Disable this option to leave the text placeholders blank in the printout.
Form controls
Specifies whether the form control fields of the text document are printed.
Specify where to print comments (if any).
Print text in black
Specifies whether to always print text in black.
Print automatically inserted blank pages
If this option is enabled automatically inserted blank pages are printed. This is best if you are printing double-sided. For example, in a book, a "chapter" paragraph style has been set to always start with an odd numbered page. If the previous chapter ends on an odd page, LibreOffice inserts an even numbered blank page. This option controls whether to print that even numbered page.
LibreOffice Calc
Suprimeix l'eixida de pàgines buides
If checked empty pages that have no cell contents or draw objects are not printed.
LibreOffice Impress
Select which parts of the document should be printed.
Slides per page
Select how many slides to print per page.
Specify how to arrange slides on the printed page.
Slide name
Specifies whether to print the page name of a document.
Date and time
Specifies whether to print the current date and time.
Hidden pages
Specifies whether to print the pages that are currently hidden.
Original colors
Specifies to print in original colors.
Escala de grisos
Specifies to print colors as grayscale.
Black and white
Specifies to print colors as black and white.
Specify how to scale slides in the printout.
Mida original
Indica que no voleu redimensionar més les pàgines en imprimir.
Ajusta a la pàgina imprimible
Indica si s'ha de reduir la mida dels objectes que isquen fora dels marges de la impressora actual, per tal que càpiguen al paper de la impressora.
Distribute on multiple sheets of paper
Prints a large format document, such as a poster or banner, by distributing the document page across multiple sheets of paper. The distribution option calculates how many sheets of paper are needed. You can then piece together the sheets.
Tile sheet of paper with repeated slides
Specifies that pages are to be printed in tiled format. If the pages or slides are smaller than the paper, repeat the pages or slides on one sheet of paper.
LibreOffice Draw
Page name
Specifies whether to print the page name of a document.
Date and time
Specifies whether to print the current date and time.
Original colors
Specifies to print in original colors.
Escala de grisos
Specifies to print colors as grayscale.
Black and white
Specifies to print colors as black and white.
Specify how to scale slides in the printout.
Mida original
Indica que no voleu redimensionar més les pàgines en imprimir.
Ajusta a la pàgina imprimible
Indica si s'ha de reduir la mida dels objectes que isquen fora dels marges de la impressora actual, per tal que càpiguen al paper de la impressora.
Distribute on multiple sheets of paper
Prints a large format document, such as a poster or banner, by distributing the document page across multiple sheets of paper. The distribution option calculates how many sheets of paper are needed. You can then piece together the sheets.
Tile sheet of paper with repeated slides
Specifies that pages are to be printed in tiled format. If the pages or slides are smaller than the paper, repeat the pages or slides on one sheet of paper.
LibreOffice Math
Specifies whether you want the name of the document to be included in the printout.
Formula text
Specifies whether to include the contents of the Commands window at the bottom of the printout.
Applies a thin border to the formula area in the printout.
Mida original
Imprimeix la fórmula sense ajustar la mida de lletra actual.
Ajusta a la pàgina
Adjusts the formula to the page format used in the printout.
Reduces or enlarges the size of the printed formula by a specified factor.