Menú Edita

From the menu bar:

Trieu Edita ▸ Desfés.

From toolbars:

Icon Undo


From the keyboard:

+ Z

From the menu bar:

Trieu Edita ▸ Refés.

From toolbars:

Icon Redo


From the keyboard:

+ Y

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Repeat.

From toolbars:

Icon Repeat


From the keyboard:

+ Shift + Y

From the menu bar:

Trieu Edita ▸ Retalla.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Cut.

From toolbars:

Icon Cut


From the keyboard:

+ X

Shift + Del

From the menu bar:

Trieu Edita ▸ Copia.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Copy.

From toolbars:

Icona Copia


From the keyboard:

+ C

Ctrl + Ins

From the menu bar:

Trieu Edita ▸ Enganxa.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Paste.

From toolbars:

Icona Enganxa


From the keyboard:

+ V

Shift + Ins

From the menu bar:

Trieu Edita ▸ Enganxament especial.

From the menu bar:

Trieu Edita ▸ Enganxament especial ▸ Enganxament especial.

From the tabbed interface:

Long click on Home - Paste.

From toolbars:

Icona Enganxament especial

Enganxament especial

Icona Enganxa

Paste (long click)

From the keyboard:

+ Maj + V.

Choose Edit - Paste Special - Paste Unformatted Text.

Right-click to open the context menu and choose Paste Special - Unformatted Text.

+ Alt + Maj + V.

Choose Edit - Paste Special - Paste Nested Table.

Right-click on the target table cell to open the context menu and choose Paste Special - Nested Table.

Choose Edit - Paste Special - Paste as Rows above.

Right-click on the target table cell to open the context menu and choose Paste Special - Rows Above.

Choose Edit - Paste Special - Paste as Columns Before.

Right-click on the target table cell to open the context menu and choose Paste Special - Columns Before.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select All.

From toolbars:

Icona Selecciona-ho tot

Selecciona-ho tot

From the keyboard:

+ A

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Track Changes.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review tab.

From the menu bar:

Trieu Edita ▸ Seguiment de canvis ▸ Enregistra.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Record.

From toolbars:

Icon Show Track Changes

Show Track Changes

From the keyboard:

+ 7

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Manage.

In the Review menu of the Review tab, choose Manage.

From toolbars:

On the Track Changes toolbar, click

Icona Gestiona el seguiment de canvis

Gestiona el seguiment de canvis

From the sidebar:

Open the Manage Changes deck.

Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List tab.

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes. The AutoCorrect dialog appears.
Click the Edit Changes button and navigate to the List tab.

Trieu Edita ▸ Seguiment de canvis ▸ Gestió ▸ Filtre pestanya.

Trieu Edita ▸ Seguiment de canvis ▸ Fusiona el document.

Trieu Edita ▸ Seguiment de canvis ▸ Compara el document.

Trieu Edita ▸ Seguiment de canvis ▸ Protegeix

Choose Edit - Track Changes - Comment.

Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List tab.
Click an entry in the list and open the context menu.
Choose Edit Comment.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Find.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Find.

From toolbars:

Icon Find


From the keyboard:

+ F

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Find & Replace.

From toolbars:

Icon Find & Replace

Cerca i reemplaça

From the keyboard:

+ H

Choose Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes.

Choose Edit - Find & Replace - Format button.

From the menu bar:

Choose View - Navigator.

From toolbars:

Icon Navigator On/Off

Navegador activat/desactivat

From the keyboard:


+ 4 to open in the Sidebar.

From the sidebar:

Icon Navigator


Trieu Eines - Base de dades bibliogràfica.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - External Links - Modify (DDE links only).

Select a frame, then choose Edit - OLE Object - Properties.

Open context menu of selected frame, choose Properties.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - OLE Object.

From the context menu:

Choose commands in the menu.

Choose Edit - OLE Object - Edit, also in the context menu of selected object.

Choose Edit - OLE Object - Open.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Reference.

From toolbars:

Icon Reference


Ens cal la vostra ajuda!