Menú Format

Obriu la barra d'eines Controls de formulari, feu clic a la icona Més controls, feu clic a la icona Control de taula i arrossegueu el ratolí per generar el camp.

Obriu la barra d'eines Controls de formulari, feu clic a la icona Més controls, feu clic a la icona Control de taula i arrossegueu el ratolí per generar el camp. No es permet una connexió a una base de dades en el formulari actual.

Obriu la barra d'eines Controls de formulari, feu clic a la icona Més controls, feu clic a la icona Control de taula i arrossegueu el ratolí per generar el camp. Hi ha d'haver una connexió a una base de dades.

Obri els controls de formulari barra d'eines feu clic a Quadre combinat o icona Quadre de llista i arrossegueu el ratolí per generar un camp. La connexió a la base de dades ha d'existir en el formulari.

Obri els controls de formulari del feu clic al Quadre combinat o a la icona del Quadre de llista i arrossegueu el ratolí per generar un camp. La connexió a la base de dades ha d'existir al formulari Auxiliar - Pàgina 1.

Obri els controls de formulari barra d'eines feu clic Quadre combinat o Quadre de llista icona i arrossegueu el ratolí per generar un camp. La connexió a la base de dades ha d'existir en el formulari Auxiliar - Pàgina 2.

Obri els controls de formulari barra d'eines feu clic a la icona Quadre de llista i arrossegueu el ratolí per generar un camp. La connexió a la base de dades ha d'existir en el formulari Assistent - Pàgina 3.

Obri Formulari Controls barra d'eines feu clic Quadre combinat icona i arrossegueu el ratolí per generar camp. La connexió a la base de dades ha d'existir en el formulari Auxiliar - Pàgina 3.

Obriu la barra Quadre d'eines a l'editor de diàlegs del Basic i feu clic a

Icon Properties


From the menu bar:

Choose Form - Form Properties.

From the context menu:

Choose Form Properties.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Form - Form Properties.

Choose Tools - Form Properties.

From toolbars:

Icon Form Properties

Form Properties

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Form Properties - General tab.

Open Form Design toolbar, click Form Properties icon - General tab.

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Form Properties - Data tab.

Open Form Design toolbar, click Form Properties icon - Data tab.

Open context menu of a selected control on an XML Form document, choose Control Properties - Data tab.

Open Form Controls toolbar of an XML Form document, click Control icon - Data tab.

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Form Properties - Events tab.

Open Form Design toolbar, click Form Properties icon - Events tab.

From the menu bar:

Choose Form - Control Properties.

From the context menu:

Choose Control Properties.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Form - Control Properties.

Choose Tools - Control Properties.

From toolbars:

Icon Control

Control Properties

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Control Properties - General tab.

Obriu la barra d'eines Disseny de formularifeu clic a la icona Control - pestanya General.

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Control Properties - Data tab.

Open Form Design toolbar, click Control icon - Data tab.

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Control Properties - Events tab.

Open Form Design toolbar, click Control Properties icon - Events tab.

From the menu bar:

Choose Form - Activation Order.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Form - Activation Order.

Choose Tools - Activation Order.

From toolbars:

Icon Activation Order

Orde d'activació

On Form Design bar, click

Icon Add Field

Afig un camp

From the menu bar:

Choose Form - Form Navigator.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Form - Form Navigator.

Choose Tools - Form Navigator.

From toolbars:

Icon Form Navigator

Navegador de formularis

From the menu bar:

Choose Form - Design Mode.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Form - Toggle Design Mode.

Choose Tools - Toggle Design Mode.

From toolbars:

Icon Design Mode

Design Mode On/Off

From the menu bar:

Choose Form - Open in Design Mode.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Form - Open in Design Mode.

Choose Tools - Open in Design Mode.

From toolbars:

Icon Open in Design Mode

Obri en mode de disseny

From the menu bar:

Choose Form - Control Wizards.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Form - Form Control Wizards.

Choose Tools - Form Control Wizards.

From toolbars:

Icon Wizard

Auxiliars activats/desactivats

From the menu bar:

From the context menu:

Choose Arrange.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image tab.

Choose Object tab.

From toolbars:

Icon Arrange


From the menu bar:

From the context menu:

Choose Arrange - Bring to Front.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Bring to Front.

Choose Object - Bring to Front

From toolbars:

Icon Bring to Front

Porta al davant

From toolbars:

Icon Bring Forward

Envia cap avant

From toolbars:

Icon Send Backward

Envia cap arrere

From the menu bar:

From the context menu:

Choose Arrange - Send to Back.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Send to Back.

Choose Object - Send to Back

From toolbars:

Icon Send to Back

Envia al fons

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Arrange - To Foreground.

From toolbars:

Icon To Foreground

Al fons

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Arrange - To Background.

From toolbars:

Icon To Background

Al fons

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Align Text.

From the tabbed interface:


From the sidebar:

Select Properties - deck.

Choose Format - Align - Left (LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc).

Choose Shape - Align - Left (selected objects) (LibreOffice Draw).

Open context menu - choose Align - Left (objects selected) (LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Draw).

On Align bar (LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Draw), click

Icona Esquerra


Choose Format - Align - Centered (LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc).

Choose Shape - Align - Centered (objects selected) (LibreOffice Draw).

On Align bar (LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Draw), click

Icon Centered


Choose Format - Align - Right.

Choose Shape - Align - Right (objects selected) (LibreOffice Draw).

On Align bar (LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Draw), click

Icona Dreta


From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Align Text - Top.

From the tabbed interface:


From the sidebar:

Select Properties - deck.

From toolbars:

Icon Top


From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Align Text - Centered.

From the tabbed interface:


From the sidebar:

Select Properties - deck.

From toolbars:

Icon Centered


From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Align Text - Bottom.

From the tabbed interface:


From the sidebar:

Select Properties - deck.

From toolbars:

Icon Bottom


From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Anchor.

From the context menu:

Feu clic dret a l'objecte seleccionat i trieu Ancoratge.

From toolbars:

Icon Anchor


From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Anchor - To Page.

From the context menu:

Choose Anchor - To Page.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Anchor menu - To Page.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Anchor - To Paragraph.

From the context menu:

Choose Anchor - To Paragraph.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Anchor menu - To Paragraph.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Anchor - To Character.

From the context menu:

Choose Anchor - To Character.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Anchor menu - To Character.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Anchor - As Character.

From the context menu:

Choose Anchor - As Character.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Anchor menu - As Character.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Anchor - To Frame.

From the context menu:

Choose Anchor - To Frame.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Anchor menu - To Frame.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Anchor - To Cell.

From the context menu:

Choose Anchor - To Cell.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Anchor menu - To Cell.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Anchor - To Cell (resize with cell).

From the context menu:

Choose Anchor - To Cell (resize with cell).

Choose Fit to Cell Size.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Image - Anchor menu - To Cell (resize with cell).

From the menu bar:

Choose Forms - Content Controls.

From the menu bar:

Choose Form.

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