Ajuda del LibreOffice 25.2
Specifies some options for a database.
In a database window, choose Edit - Database - Properties, click Advanced Properties tab
La disponibilitat dels controls següents depèn del tipus de base de dades:
Enter the path to the directory that contains the dBASE files.
Ensure that the *.dbf file name extension of the dBASE files is lowercase.
Opens a dialog where you can select a file or a directory.
Tests the database connection with the current settings.
Enter the path to the folder of the text files.
Enter the path to the spreadsheet document that you want to use as a database.
Enter the name of the ODBC data source.
Introduïu el nom d'usuari requerit per a accedir a la base de dades.
If checked, the user will be asked to enter the password that is required to access the database.
Enter the name of the database.
Enter the name of the MySQL database that you want to use as a data source.
Enter the name of the Oracle database that you want to use as a data source.
Enter the name of the Microsoft Access database file that you want to use as a data source.
Enter the host name for the LDAP data source.
Enter the location of the JDBC data source as a URL.
Introduïu el nom de la classe de controlador JDBC que es connecta a la font de dades.
Tests the database connection through the JDBC driver class.
Select a database from the list or click Create to create a new database.