Barra Cerca

La barra d'eines Cerca es pot usar per a cercar ràpidament entre els continguts dels documents del LibreOffice.


Use the shortcut + F to quickly open the Find toolbar.

Cerca text

Enter the text to be searched in the document. Press Enter to perform the search.

Find Previous

Moves the cursor and selects the previous match of the search text.

Find Previous Icon

Find Previous Icon

Find Next

Moves the cursor and selects the next match of the search text.

Find Next Icon

Find Next Icon

Find All

Highlights all matches in the document.

Match Case

Choose this option to perform case-sensitive search.

Cerca i reemplaça

Opens the Find and Replace dialog, which provides more options for searching the document.

Icona Cerca i reemplaça

Icona Cerca i reemplaça

Ens cal la vostra ajuda!