Track Changes Toolbar
Contains the commands that are available for tracking changes in your file.
Shows or hides recorded changes.
Tracks each change that is made in the current document by author and date.
Previous Track Change
Next Track Change
Accept Track Change
Reject Track Change
Accept All Tracked Changes
Accept All Tracked Changes
Reject All Tracked Changes
Reject All Tracked Changes
Accept Track Change and select next one
Accept Track Change and select next one
Reject Track Change and select next one
Reject Track Change and select next one
Accept or reject recorded changes.
Inserts a comment around the selected text, presentation slide, drawing page or at the current spreadsheet cursor position.
Enter a comment for the recorded change.
Insert Track Change Comment
Prevents a user from deactivating the record changes feature, or from accepting or rejecting changes unless the user enters a password.
Poredi trenutni dokument sa dokumentom koji vi izaberete. Sadržaj odabranog dokumenta je označen kao brisanja u prozoru koji se otvori. Ako želite, možete ubaciti sadržaj odabrane datoteke u trenutni dokument odabiranjem relevantnih obrisanih upisa, pritišćući Odbij, i onda pritišćući Ubaci.
Ubacuje promjene napravljene na kopijama istog dokumenta u originalni dokument. Promjene napravljene nad fusnotama, zaglavljima, okvirima i poljima su zanemarene. Identične promjene su spojene automatski.