Hiding Text

You can use fields and sections to hide or display text in your document if a condition is met.

Before you can hide text, you must first create a variable to use in the condition for hiding the text.

To Create a Variable

  1. Click in your document and choose Insert - Field - More Fields.

  2. Click the Variables tab and click "Set Variable" in the Type list.

  3. Click "General" in the Format list.

  4. Upišite naziv za variable u Naziv okviru, na primjer "podsjetnik".

  5. Unesite broj za promjenjivu u broj kutiji, kao na primjer, 1.

  6. To hide the variable in your document, select Invisible.

  7. Click Insert and Close.

Pronalaženje teksta

  1. Postavite pokazivac u dokumentu gdje želite umetnuti odbrojavanje stranica.

  2. Izaberite Ubaci - Polja - Ostalo i kliknite na Dokument karticu.

  3. Click "Hidden Text" in the Type list.

  4. Enter a statement in the Condition box. For example, using the variable you previously defined, enter Hide==1.

  5. Type the text that you want to hide in the Hidden text box.

  6. Click Insert and Close.

To Hide a Paragraph

  1. Postavite pokazivac u dokumentu gdje želite umetnuti odbrojavanje stranica.

  2. Choose Insert - Field - More Fields and click the Functions tab.

  3. Click "Hidden Paragraph" in the Type list.

  4. Enter a statement in the Condition box. For example, using the variable you previously defined, enter Hide==1.

  5. Click Insert and Close.


You must enable this feature by removing the check mark Hidden Paragraphs in the dialog - LibreOffice Writer - View. When the check mark is set, you cannot hide any paragraph.

To Hide a Section

  1. Select the text that you want to hide in your document.

  2. Choose Insert - Section.

  3. In the Hide area, select Hide, and then enter an expression in the Condition box. For example, using the variable you previously defined, enter Hide==1.

  4. Click Insert.

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