LibreOffice 24.8 Help
A master document lets you manage large documents, such as a book with many chapters. The master document can be seen as a container for individual LibreOffice Writer files. The individual files are called subdocuments.
Kada ispišete dokument glavni su tiskani sadržaj svih pod-dokumente, indeksira, i bilo koji tekst koji ste unijeli.
Možete stvoriti tablice sadržaja i indeksa u glavni dokument za sve pod-dokumentima.
Stilovi koji se koriste u pod-dokumente, kao što je novi stavak stilovi, automatski se uvozi u glavni dokument nakon što spremite glavni dokument.
Kada pregledavate glavni dokument, stilovi koji su vec prisutni u glavni dokument ima prednost nad stilova s istim imenom koji se uvoze iz pod-dokumentima.
Sub-dokumenata nikad se mijenjaju prema promjenama koje su napravljene na glavni dokument.
Kada dodate dokument u glavni dokument ili stvorite novi pod-dokument, veza je kreirana u glavnom dokumentu. Ne možete uredivati sadržaj pod-dokumenta direktno u glavnom dokumentu, ali možete koristiti Navigator da biste otvoriti bilo koji pod-dokument za uredivanje.
A master document master.odm consists of some text and links to the subdocuments sub1.odt and sub2.odt. In each subdocument a new paragraph style with the same name Style1 is defined and used, and the subdocuments are saved.
When you save the master document, the styles from the subdocuments are imported into the master document. First, the new style Style1 from the sub1.odt is imported. Next, the new styles from sub2.odt will be imported, but as Style1 now already is present in the master document, this style from sub2.odt will not be imported.
In the master document you now see the new style Style1 from the first subdocument. All Style1 paragraphs in the master document will be shown using the Style1 attributes from the first subdocument. However, the second subdocument by itself will not be changed. You see the Style1 paragraphs from the second subdocument with different attributes, depending whether you open the sub2.odt document by itself or as part of the master document.
To avoid confusion, use the same document template for the master document and its subdocuments. This happens automatically when you create the master document and its subdocuments from an existing document with headings, using the command File - Send - Create Master Document.