Text Flow

Specify hyphenation and pagination options.

To access this command...

Choose Format - Paragraph - Text Flow tab.

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Text Flow tab.

Choose Edit - Find & Replace - Format - Text Flow tab.

Rastavljanje riječi

Specify the hyphenation options for text documents.


Automatically inserts hyphens where they are needed in a paragraph.

Characters at line end

Enter the minimum number of characters to leave at the end of the line before a hyphen is inserted.

Characters at line begin

Enter the minimum number of characters that must appear at the beginning of the line after the hyphen.

Compound constituent characters at line end

Set 3 (or more) characters to improve the hyphenation in Danish, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Norwegian and Swedish by preferring the hyphenation between constituents of a compound word instead of breaking the second (third etc.) constituent right after its first 2 characters.

Maximum consecutive hyphenated lines

Enter the maximum number of consecutive lines that can be hyphenated.

Minimum word length in characters

Enter the minimum word length in characters that can be hyphenated.

Hyphenation zone

To reduce hyphenation, enter the length of the hyphenation zone. Instead of the possible hyphenation, the line will break between words, if the remaining horizontal space does not exceed the hyphenation zone. Hyphenation zone results in enlarged spaces between words in justified text, and greater distance from paragraph margins in non-justified text.

Hyphenate words in CAPS

Hyphenate words written entirely in capital letters, such as initialisms.

Hyphenate last word

Hyphenate the last word of paragraphs. Disabling this feature prevents the creation of almost empty lines containing only half a word.

Hyphenation across

Control hyphenation in the last line of a column, page or spread, and last full line of a paragraph, according to certain typographical rules to improve readability.

Last full line of paragraph

Deselect this check box to prevent last full line of a paragraph from being hyphenated. The hyphenated word is moved to the next line if there is enough space for it. As a result, the last line of the paragraph becomes longer, reducing the blank space between paragraphs.


Deselect this check box to prevent words from being hyphenated across a column, linked frame or page. The hyphenated line is moved to the next column, frame or page.


Deselect this check box to prevent words from being hyphenated across a page. The hyphenated line is moved to the next page.


Deselect this check box to prevent words from being hyphenated across a spread. (A spread is a set of two pages that are visible to the reader at the same time.) The hyphenated line is moved to the next spread.


Specify the page or column break options.


Mark this tick box, and then select the break type that you want to use.


Izaberite tip preloma koji zelite ubacioti.


Soznacite gdje zelite ubaciti prelom.

With Page Style

Oznacite prostor, zatim oznacite stil stranice koji zelite koristiti za pocetnui stranicu poslije preloma.

Stil stranice

Oddaberite stil formatiranja za prvu stranicu poslije preloma.

Broj stranice

Enter the page number for the first page that follows the break. If you want to continue the current page numbering, leave the checkbox unchecked.


Odredite opciju toka teksta za paragrafe koji se pojavljuju broje i poslije preloma.

Ne razdvajajte paragrafe.

Pomjera cijeli paragrav na slijedecu stranicu ili kolonu nakon ubacenog preloma..

Drži sa sljedećim odlomkom

Cuva trenutni i sljedeci paragraf zajedno kada je prelom ili prelom kolone ubacen.

Kontrola siročadi

Specifies the minimum number of lines in a paragraph before a page break. Mark this tick box, and then enter a number in the Lines box. If the number of lines at the end of the page is less than the amount specified in the Lines box, the paragraph is shifted to the next page.

Kontrola udovica

Specifies the minimum number of lines in a paragraph in the first page after the break. Mark this tick box, and then enter a number in the Lines box. If the number of lines at the top of the page is less than the amount specified in the Lines box, the position of the break is adjusted.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.


Applies the modified or selected values without closing the dialog.

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