
Ovaj pregled opisuje zadani oblik alatne trake za LibreOffice. Ako ste prilagodili bilo koju od alatnih traka, vaša konfiguracija može se razlikovati od one opisane ovdje.


The Standard bar is available in every LibreOffice application.


Common commands for slides.

Traka za crteže

The Drawing bar contains frequently used editing tools. Click the arrow next to an icon to open a toolbar that contains additional commands.

Find Bar

The Find toolbar can be used to quickly search the contents of LibreOffice documents.

Traka za konture

In Outline View, the Outline bar contains frequently used editing tools. Click the arrow next to an icon to open a toolbar that contains additional commands.

Traka za klizno sortiranje

In Slide Sorter view, the Slide Sorter bar can be used.

Line and Filling Bar

The Line and Filling Bar contains commands and options that you can apply in the current view.

Traka za klizni prikaz

The Slide View bar opens with the Slide Sorter view.


OvaTabele traka sadrži funkcije koje su potrebne za rad sa tabelama. Pojavi se kad pomjerite kursor u tabelu.

Traka za formatiranje teksta

To display the Text Formatting Bar, place the cursor inside a text object.

Traka za slike

Use the Image bar to set the color, contrast, and brightness options for the selected graphic object(s).

Edit Points Bar

The Edit Points Bar appears when you select a polygon object and click Edit Points.

The functions provided allow you to edit the points of a curve or an object converted to a curve. The following icons are available:

Traka za opcije

To display the Options Bar, choose View - Toolbars - Options.

traka sa bojama

Show or hide the Color bar. To modify or change the color table that is displayed, choose Format - Area, and then click on the Colors tab.

Statusna traka

The status bar displays information about your document, including the currently selected object. You can double-click some status bar items to open a related dialog window.

3D Settings

The 3D Settings toolbar controls properties of selected 3D objects.


The Fontwork toolbar opens when you select a Fontwork object.


Add objects, including charts, spreadsheets, and images, to your document.

Classification Toolbar

The Classification bar contains tools to help secure document handling.

The Classification toolbar contains listboxes to help in selecting the security of the document, according to the BAF category policy and BAILS levels. LibreOffice will add custom fields in the document properties (File - Properties, Custom Properties tab) to store the classification policy as document metadata.

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