
Definise standardne postavke za prikazivanje objekata u Vašem tekstualnom dokumentu i takođe standardne postavke za elemente prozora.

To access this command...

From the menu bar:

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer/LibreOffice Writer/Web - View.

From the tabbed interface:

On the top right menu (☰), choose Options

- then in the Options dialog, choose LibreOffice Writer - View or LibreOffice Writer/Web - View.

From the keyboard:

Alt + F12

- then in the Options dialog, choose LibreOffice Writer - View or LibreOffice Writer/Web - View.


Specificira postavke koje se odnose na prikazivanje granica.

Helplines While Moving

Displays snap lines around the frames when frames are moved. You can select the Helplines While Moving option to show the exact position of the object using lineal values.


Definira koji elementi dokumenta su prikazani

Images and objects

Specifies whether to display images and objects on the screen. If these elements are hidden, you will see empty frames as placeholders.

Također možete kontrolirati prikaz ilustracija kroz Ilustracije uključene / isključene ikonu. Ako je tekstualni dokument otvoren, ova ikona se prikazuje na traci Alati.


If the Images and objects option is not selected, no graphics will be loaded from the Internet. Graphics within a table and without an indication of their size can cause display problems when using an older HTML standard on the browsed page.


Prikazuje tabele sadržane u Vašem dokumentu.

Da prikažete granice tabele, desnim klikom idite na bilo koju tabelu i odaberite Granice tabele, ili odaberite Tabela - Tabela Boundaries u Writer dokumentu.

Crtanje i kontrole

Prikazuje crteže i kontrole sadržane u Vašem dokumentu.


Displays comments. Click a comment to edit the text. Use the context menu in Navigator to locate or delete a comment. Use the comments's context menu to delete this comment or all comments or all comments of this author.

Resolved comments

Display comments that have been marked as resolved.

Display fields

Hidden text

Displays text that is hidden by Conditional Text or Hidden Text fields.

Hidden paragraphs

Display paragraphs that contain a Hidden Paragraph field. This option has the same function as the menu command View - Field Hidden Paragraphs.

Display tracked changes

Tracked deletions in margin

Displays text deleted from the document in the left margin, instead of inline.

Tooltips on tracked changes

Displays a tooltip when you mouseover a change in the document. The tooltip indicates the change's author, timestamp, and whether it is an insertion or deletion.


Specificira da li su pomične trake ili ravnala prikazana.

Horizontalno ravnalo

Displays the horizontal ruler. Select the desired measurement unit from the corresponding list.

Vertikalno ravnalo

Displays the vertical ruler. Select the desired measurement unit from the corresponding list.

Lagano pomicanje

Aktivira funkciju za lagano pomicanje stranice. Brzina pomicanja zavisi od područja i prikaza dubine boje.


These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Languages and Locales - General.

Aligns the vertical ruler with the right border.

Outline folding

Show outline-folding buttons

Displays outline folding buttons on the left of the outline headings, and allow controlling it via the headings' context menu in the Navigator.

Include sub levels

When folding a heading, also hide its sub levels.

Postavke (samo za HTML dokumente)

Measurement unit

Specifies the Unit for HTML documents.

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