LibreOffice 25.2 Help
The review function is available in LibreOffice for text documents and spreadsheet documents.
Kada uređujete dokument u kojem su drugi napravili promjene, možete prihvatiti ili odbaciti promjene pojedinačno ili sve zajedno.
If you have put multiple copies of the document in circulation, first merge these into one document (see Merging Versions).
Open the document and choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage. The Manage Changes dialog appears.
Odaberite promjenu na Lista traci. Promjena je odabrana i prikazana u dokumentu i sada možete unijeti svoju odluku uz jednu od tipki.
If one author has modified another author's change, you will see the changes hierarchically arranged with a plus sign for opening up the hierarchy.
Ako je popis promjena predugačak, možete se prebaciti na Filter karticu u okviru za dijalog i odrediti da li samo želite vidjeti promjene pojedinih autora, ili samo promjene od zadnjeg dana, ili ako želite da popis bude ograničen na neki drugi način.
Color-coded entries display the result of the filter that is set. Entries in black can be accepted or rejected and match the filter criteria. Entries in blue do not themselves match the filter criteria, but have subentries that are included by the filter. Gray entries cannot be accepted or rejected and do not match the filter criterion. Green entries do match the filter but cannot be accepted or rejected.