LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Starts the wizard to help you create an agenda template. You can use an agenda to specify discussion topics for conferences and meetings.
LibreOffice comes with a sample template for agendas that you can modify to suit your own needs. The wizard offers numerous layout and design options for creating document templates. The preview gives you an impression of how the finished agenda will appear.
Unutar asistenta, možete izmijeniti vaše upise i opcije bilo kada. Možete isto preskočiti cijelu stranicu ili čak sve stranice asistenta, u kojem slučaju će trenutne (ili postavljene) opcije ostati u efektu.
Returns to the selections made on the previous page. The current settings remain in effect. This button only becomes active after the first page.
The wizard saves the current settings and goes to the next page. Once you reach the last page, this button will become inactive.
According to your selections, the wizard creates a document template and saves it on your hard disk. A new document based on the template appears in the work area, with the filename "UntitledX" (X stands for an automatic number).
LibreOffice spašava trenutne postavke u asistentu prema izabranom šablonu. Ove postavke se koriste kao uobičajene postavke slijedeći put kada aktivirate asistenta.