Opens the Gallery deck of the Sidebar, where you can select images and audio clips to insert into your document.
To access this command...
From the menu bar:
Choose View - Gallery.
From the tabbed interface:
Choose Insert - Gallery.
From the keyboard:
OptionAlt + 3
From toolbars:
You can display the contents of the Gallery as icons, or icons with titles and path information.
To zoom in or zoom out on a single object in the Gallery, double-click the object, or select the object, and then press the Spacebar.
Themes are listed on the left side of the Gallery. Click a theme to view the objects associated with the theme.
To insert a Gallery object, select the object, and then drag it into the document.
Themes context menu
To access the following commands, right-click a theme in the Gallery:
Updates the view in the window or in the selected object.
Deletes the current selection. If multiple objects are selected, all will be deleted. In most cases, a confirmation question appears before objects are deleted.
The object is either physically deleted from the data carrier or the object display is removed, depending on context.
Enables a selected object to be renamed. After selecting Rename the name is selected and a new one can be entered directly. Use the arrow keys to set the cursor at the beginning or end of the name to delete or add to part of the name or to reposition the cursor.
The Properties dialog contains the following tabs:
To access the following commands, right-click an object in the Gallery:
Inserts the selected object into the current document.
Insert as Background
UmeÄe odabrane slike kao grafiÄku pozadinu. Koristite pod-izbornika naredbi Strana ili Odlomakodrediti da li grafiÄki treba pokrivati cijelu stranicu ili samo trenutni stav.
The element selected is displayed in the Gallery at maximum size. Double-click the preview to switch back to the normal Gallery view.
Changes the title of the selected object. After selecting Title the name is selected and a new one can be entered directly. Use the arrow keys to set the cursor at the beginning or end of the name to delete or add to part of the name or to reposition the cursor.
Deletes the current selection. If multiple objects are selected, all will be deleted. In most cases, a confirmation question appears before objects are deleted.
The object is either physically deleted from the data carrier or the object display is removed, depending on context.
If you choose Delete while in the Gallery, the entry will be deleted from the Gallery, but the file itself will remain untouched.
Kopira odabrani element u meÄuspremnik.
Inserts the element that you moved to the clipboard into the document. This command can only be called if the contents of the clipboard can be inserted at the current cursor position.
Icon View
Displays the contents of the Gallery as icons.
Detailed View
Displays the contents of the Gallery as small icons, with title and path information.
Adds a new theme to the Gallery and lets you choose the files to include in the theme.